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William Denbrough alias Stuttering Bill, lived in Los Angeles with his wife Audra. His wife was always an actress, but she played less and less, she wanted to enjoy life.
Bill always wrote to him, it was said that he stop when ring the hour of his death.
When he received the call from Mike, Bill was so upset, he did not so much that his childhood friend had to tell him.
For Bill, It was dead for years, there was no reason so he can be back.
But he spent two hours to think of Derry, of the club of losers, to this great adventure he had with his band.
He thought also of his little brother Georgie had who was murdered by that, the arm ripped off.
Bill decided to call Mike to tell him that he would go to Derry, just to reassure him and prove that it was indeed dead.
It was the beginning of the afternoon when Bill called Michael.
-Hello Mikey?
-Yes it's always me haha.
-So you've made your decision or not?
-I thought about it for almost two hours, I remember the good old days, all that, but I still can't believe you compared to what you said earlier...
-Bill, I can swear on the heads of my children what I saw at the library was very real, think well Bill, I wouldn't never have bother to get out this kind of nonsense. This is a serious Bill the stutterer.
-I understand you... Mike, just for you, I spend a week in Derry so we can remember the old days, but I'm sure that there will be no Mickey. Did you tell others?
-No, not yet, I wanted to first have your opinion... BILL!
-Hello Mickey?
-Oh shit! Hello Mike?!
-What is happening?
He there had a very loud noise at the end of the phone Bill was forced to remove his phone to his ear, after that he heard some kind of strange noises, he couldn't tell what they were.
He closer to distinctly hear these noises, he saw a voice that came from afar.
A monstrous voice replied, it wasn't one of Micheal, Bill was safe.
-Don't have fun to come back here to Derry Bil... Bil... Bil... Billy. This could be your last trip.
After that this voice has finished talking, the call was hang up alone.
Now Bill believed in what Michael told him, he didn't know if his friend would be able to prevent the rest of the band, he needed to do it.
He had in his repertoire the numbers of Ben, Bev and Richie.
Before calling them, he went to the bar to use a Scotch 12 years old to recover from his emotions.
While drinking his Scotch, he went on his computer and headed on the site of the international airport of Los Angeles, to find flight to Bangor in Maine. He saw a departure the same evening, Bill booked the place in first class.
He was in his office, his wife Audra, ever came to disturb him when she saw that he was locked in his office, either he was writing or he passed important calls, but at the time, she had to disturb him.
-Bill, there's someone who wants to see you.
-No... no.. not now holding Audra.
-Bill? You stutter again! What is going on?!
-I... I... I can't... can't... not you answer... Dr.. Say to this... this... Anyone who wants me... me... see me... to... com... com... come... back.
The person who wanted to see Bill, knocked at the door of his office presenting himself.
-Bill, it's me, Ben Hanscom, open the door, please.
He waited at least thirty seconds before I realized that was the person who desired to see her.
-Come in Ben.
Ben came in, he saw Bill who looked at him, he went up to him and gave him a big hug.
-Well then, you're not happy to see me?
-Of course not Haystack.
Bill had calmed down, it don't beguait more, the presence of Ben had reassured him.
-Ben, sit down, use a Scotch if you want, but remains well hang by the merest chance you're here currently.
-Bill... You drank how much Scotch before I get, he said jokingly.
-One, but that's not the issue, listen to me well. Mike Hanlon called me today...
-Oh! How is this good old Mikey?
-Very bad...
-Oh why? Is he sick?
-You at least you showing off the form.
-Well Yes, I'm still a bit of sport, it keeps me in shape. So for Mikey?
-Listen to me, what I say is true so I beg you to believe me.
-You scare me Bill here...
-It is back to Derry.
-Ah fucking! you really scared me, I thought you were going to tell me that our Mikey was dying.
-What? But Ben I don't tell bullshit here!
-But Bill, you really believe this monster we've killed in the sewers for years would surfaced like that? No but seriously Bill, re-entered you, stop the tape.
-Ben... Please, believe me... Michael called me telling me he had seen him in the form of a clown in the basement of the library of Derry...
- But he wanted to make a bad joke or it was just a guy dressed as a clown who wanted to fuck her scared.
-When I called Michael after having thought about what he said, it happened something really weird on the phone, the voice of Mike disappeared, there were very strange sounds and a voice spoke to me, but it wasn't Mike, it was a monstrous voice who warned me not to return to Derry otherwise it would be my last trip.
-You're crazy Bill...
Answer like this Ben! Looks like Richie I have in front of me here! Any way, I booked tickets for tonight.
-Where to?
-In Derry. I'm going to go see Mike, I'll also tell Beverly and Richie, I hope that they will be understandable.
-You're really serious Bill?
-More than ever Haystack.

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