Next chapter(soz didnt know what to call this chapter)

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I know I'm alive yep, sorry I haven't been updating, life's a bitch. I feel as if no one reads this anymore so I might stop writing it but if I continue there will be maybe 10 chapters left not to sure but here is the next chapter

Caitlins POV

"Bre I-I have cancer" I stumbled. I could tell she was shocked, she pulled me in for a tight hug "does Felix know?" She asked, I shook my head "you need to tell him" I shook my head again "Bre I can't tell him I-I just can't" I replied "at least it's not terminal" Breanna said. I started to cry again "I suppose your right".We sat crying in the room for 10 more minutes until we walked back in to Ian all by himself "where's Felix and Lily?" I asked "Lily is playing in your old room and Felix went home 10 minutes ago" he replied "well I better get home then" I replied as I got Lily and left. I arrived home to candles everywhere and a table set up with dinner ready "happy 1year anniversary" I heard Felix say "thank you" I replied. I put Lily to bed and started to eat dinner. Felix got up and put the plates away while I brought a crying Lily into the living room, jist as I arrived in Felix got down on one knee "Caitlin you mean the world to me and you and Lily are my world I don't know what I'd do without you, will you marry me?" He asked while holding out a beautiful ring with a crystal placed on it, I thought about me dying and all the pain in put him through, "no" I replied and ran out the house. I was going to run to breanna's house but he would go there first to look for me so I ran to Caspar's. I knocked on the door and he answered "Caitlin, Lily what's wrong" he asked noticing I was crying and brought me inside, I told him the story and about the cancer and he said I could stay as long as I wanted, I'm so glad I have a friend like Caspar.

Felix's POV

"Wait" I shouted but she kept on running, soon I lost sight of her. I ran to Breanna and Ian's house and knocked on the door "is Caitlin here?" I ask they shake their heads and I tell them everything . I later walk home to an empty house, I was sure she would have said yes. I lay in our bed when I received a text from Caitlin it read: "Felix I really don't want to do this but I have to, were over I don't want to see you again. I was staying at Caspar's but I'm staying with someone else now. Delete my number please, I'll always love you. Bye" that text ruined me.

Caitlins POV

Caspar introduced me to Gaby, his girlfriend and showed me to my room. While trying to sleep I could hear Caspar and Gaby 'doing it'. I got packed up and wrote a note saying I would text him in the morning and left. I knew where I was going, I knocked on the door and Marzia answered "go away" she said while trying it slam the door but my foot stopped it "please Marzia" I begged she allowed me in. I told her everything, I noticed she started crying "why are you crying?" I ask "I just feel really bad that I came between you and Felix" she replied, I stayed silent "it's ok, Felix will always have that little place in his heart for you"I replied "the doctor said ill only need one chemotherapy session and I'll be cured cause I caught it really early but if anything ever happens then I want you and Felix to be together, I want you to look after Lily and Felix if anything happens ok?" I tell her, she nods and I eventually fall asleep on the couch

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