Chapter Three

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Hailey Thomas.

To say I'm surprised that Aiden agreed to help me would be an understatement. I mean, I know how much he likes trouble, but I just didn't think he'd actually willingly help me out. Especially since I know how much he disliked Elle.

It's the end of the day, and mostly everyone has left except for me. I've been in the library since last period because I'm supposed to be working on an essay for French and the library is where our teacher likes to send us. Not to benefit us, or anything. She just does it to get some peace and quiet.

As I'm walking away from my locker, I hear someone call out, "Hey, Hailey!" And I immediately recognise the voice. It belongs to Olivia Keller. Elle's best friend. Well, I mean, she was Elle's best friend.

"Hi, Olivia," I say, folding my arms across my chest as I stop in the middle of the corridor, turning to face her as she approaches me, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she flashes me her movie star smile.

When Elle and I stopped being friends, she had no trouble making new ones. Whereas, I wasn't so lucky. I've always been a little socially awkward. Or, as mum calls it, too sarcastic for my own good.

"I'm throwing a party on Friday for Elle. A get together for all of her friends to grieve and stuff. I know you guys used to be close, so I was wondering if you'd like to come?" Olivia asks.

I stare at her. "A party?" I question, and just as I'm about to tell her where she can shove her invite, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I look up to see Aiden, but he's looking at Olivia.

"A party, huh? We'll be there," He says, flashing Olivia his charming smile.

Olivia grins back. "Great! See you two on Friday! Six o'clock sharp!" She says, and then she saunters off down the corridor.

When I'm sure she's gone, I push Aiden's arm away, shoving him away from me slightly. "Are you kidding? I'm not going to her party! She's crazy!"

"Oh, I know. But all of Elle's friends will be there, right? It's the perfect opportunity to do some interrogating," He points out, folding his arms across his chest.

I pause for a minute, unable to argue with him. "Good call," I mutter, running my fingers through my hair.

Aiden shrugs. "You're welcome. Need a ride home?"

"Are you actually being a nice person for once, Moore?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes, beginning to walk in the direction I was heading before Olivia stopped me. "You live next door to me, Thomas. Don't flatter yourself too much. Are you coming or not?"

Despite the fact that I really don't want to sit in a car with him for more than five minutes, I also really can't be bothered walking, so I follow after him in silence.

"Can I ask you a question?" Aiden asks, looking over his shoulder at me as we approach his car.

"Well, sure, but I can't promise I'll have an answer," I say, raising my eyebrow slightly.

"Why do you want to figure this out so badly?" He asks, swinging his car keys around his index finger as he leans against the passenger side door.

For a minute, I think. Why do I want to figure this out so badly? I guess I feel like it owe it to Elle. Maybe I even owe it to myself.

"I guess I just feel like I have to or I won't be able to sleep for the rest of my life," I say, shrugging a little.

Aiden nods, pushing himself off the car. He unlocks the car and then opens the car door for me, waiting for me to get in before he walks around to his side of the car.

"Mum!" I shout, closing the front door behind me as I get in. "I'm home!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" She calls back.

I dump my backpack at the bottom of the stairs along with my shoes before I walk down the hall and into the kitchen.

Mum is crouched down in front of the oven, practically inside of it as she reaches for the tray of whatever she has made.

"Smells good," I say, hopping up onto the kitchen counter as she walks over to the breakfast bar, setting the tray down.

The kitchen smells sweet. Must be mum's sugar cookies.

"You can have the first one when they're cool," she says, smiling at me as she turns to face me again.

And then she asks the dreaded question; "How was school?"

And then I reply with my dreaded answer; "School was school."

There was a short pause before mum spoke again, and her words made my throat dry up and my stomach churn; "Elle's funeral is on Wednesday."

I look over at her as she turns back toward the cookies, clearing her throat quietly. Mum only ever clears her throat when she's trying not to cry. I know she doesn't want to, though. She wants to stay strong for me.

"Did Elle's mum-"

"Invite us? Yes. In fact, she asked if you wanted to ride in one of the family cars. You know how Maria adores you, Hails," Mum says.

My heart is broken. It's broken for Maria, Elle's mum, and Chris, Elle's dad. It's broken for my mum, who has known Elle since she was just a baby. It's broken for my dad who drove Chris to the hospital when Maria went into labour. And it's simply broken for me. Me, her best friend, once upon a time. And even though we weren't close when she died, memories never die. Elle was like a sister to me at one point, and I still feel as if a part of me is lost without her. At least when she was alive and we didn't talk, I knew she was still there. Alive. Breathing.

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Above, you'll find a gif of Josh Hutcherson; He'll be playing Jack.




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