MDM - Damon

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Phobia (Boyxboy) Part 12

*5 years later*

A piercing shriek came from the bedroom next to mine and I instantly sprang up from my slumber to go see what was wrong. Yet as I went to get off the bed the noise halted suddenly and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, going towards the room with more caution. Just in case, I grabbed the nearest thing to me as a weapon, it just so happened to be a toy car.

Creeping along the corridor of my own house, I slowly reached my hand forward and pushed the door, making a creaky sound echo through the house. I reached around the wall and clicked the light on.


I shrieked and dropped the toy, my reflexes causing me to whack whatever – or rather whoever – was in front of me. I heard a groan of pain and shakily looked up to see Drew there holding his nose while looking at me accusingly. My eyes widened guiltily and I rushed over to him, “Are you ok? How’s your nose? Lemme see.” But he simply batted my hands away with an ‘I’m fine’.

I nodded, “Good.” And Then I began whacking him over and over cursing at him for scaring me and only getting more irritated when I saw a small smile on his face. Finally I’m guessing he grew aggravated and his pain wasn’t as prominent as he grabbed me by my wrists and –before I could protest – his lips meant mine.

He swallowed my angry protests and I practically melted in his embrace as his tongue swept over mind, his hands dropping my wrists to move down to my ass while my own tangled themselves in his hair.

I groaned as he pulled away, biting my bottom lip as he did. “Where’s Damon?” I asked breathlessly, clinging to Drew. He smirked at me like he always has, ever since we first met and caressed my cheek with a hand. “He’s out on the balcony with Luke.”

We walked hand in hand towards the balcony where, sure enough, Luke was softly murmuring to our little boy who was falling asleep under his daddies touch. I smiled softly and let go of Drew’ hand to reach out for Damon, who was promptly placed into my arms. I grinned and softly began rocking him side to side to send him back to sleep, kissing his soft pale cheek.

I still remember when he first arrived into the world, I was there.


I panicked as soon as I saw the number and name flash up on my hone screen, it could only mean one thing – the baby was arriving! I immediately rushed out of the house and texted Luke on my way, knowing that Drew would already be there as he did say he was going to be with Rosy. I high-tailed it to the hospital they were at and rushed up to the reception, probably frightening the old woman sat there.

“What room is Rosy Parker in?”

She typed something up on her computer before smiling professionally at me, “East wing, and 403A.” I muttered a quick thank you before speed walking to the other side of the hospital – why did this place have to be so damn big? As soon as I saw the door I rushed forward and practically burst through, breathing heavily.

And my eyes narrowed on to those bright blue eyes with a lining or silver just as my whole world stopped. I panted and felt a wide smile form on my face as I took a few steps forward, toward my new life. I looked at Rosy gratefully, knowing this would probably be hard for her to let go of her child but she seemed happy to at least see her kid for now.

We had found Rosy almost a year or so after I had woken up and when we were actually looking to start a family, we decided not to get married or anything like that because we were all bound to each other anyway but thought that it would be nice to get some rings anyway, so I had one ring from Drew and one from Luke, they both had two as well, one from me and one from each other.

Rosy was 15 at the time and pregnant with no way of taking care of the baby, when she told her boyfriend the douche bag ditched her and ran while her parents were too ashamed to even look her in the eye. She now lives with her aunt but even she can’t take care of two so she put out a notice that she needed people to adopt her baby, and I happened to be there when she was putting them up.

Long story short we planned to adopt her baby and right now the sight of it was making me feel elated. He had blue eyes like Rosy herself but his hair was pitch black, probably from his father.

“You can hold him if you like,” Rosie’s soft voice brought me out of my euphoric state and I grinned widely and gently took him out of her outstretched arms, just as her eyes began to drift off. I kissed Rosie’s forehead as she fell asleep, she had been through too much for a girl of her age; she didn’t deserve it either.

Just then the door creaked and a nurse came in followed by a hyper Luke who was virtually bouncing around the room after seeing the baby in my hand. The nurse quickly checked on Rosy and the baby and was about to leave when I asked, “Excuse me, but have you seen a man here beside her bedside?”

She looked thoughtful for a second before she giggled, “I’m afraid he fainted when the baby was being birthed, he looked in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

I snorted while Luke guffawed and muttered about what a big pansy he was. He quietened though when the baby began to gurgle and wiggle a little as it too fell asleep. I saw the adoring look on Luke’s face and smiled, bringing the baby forward to him, “Would you like to hold him?” He looked at me with wide eyes.

“Oh God no, I’ll probably hurt him, and he doesn’t need any injuries on his first day into the world. Maybe you could hold him and I could just watch? Not that I don’t love him or anything I’m just scared that-”

He squeaked when I rolled my eyes and gave him the baby anyway, knowing he would be fine. And I was right (as soon as he got over the initial shock) he was a natural at taking care of him.

The door opened again and a sleepy looking Drew came in, all his weariness vanishing at the sight of his new family. “What’s his name?” Luke asked, still in awe of this tiny life.


*End Flashback*

And now here I was, years later in my life with my two lovers, my home, my new life and my new family. Sure it may have taken me a while to have got to this point but I would gladly do it all over again just so I could feel the warmth spread over me knowing I would be able to relax in my life now...well, that is until Damon grows up and tries to fend off all they girls...or guys...or both...

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