Part 2

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The restaurant was bustling with activity. It was the rush hour and people were eating or getting take aways. While the staff were busy with jotting down orders, wiping tables or doing something in the kitchen.

Steve felt proud of what he had achieved. Even though the "Kinstons diner" was passed down to him from his father, it was never as successful as it is now. He knew his father would be pleased that Steve had fulfilled his dreams. His customers were also at content with the service and quality of Kinstons diner. Furthermore Steve made sure that all the food was up to par and utmost cleanliness had to be shown at all times.

Steve left the diner at about 7pm. His right hand man George always looks after the diner at night since Marylin had insisted that Steve spend some family time at home. George was one of the few people that Steve trusted most.

Upon reaching home Steve noticed that the house seemed more quiet than usual. "Maybe they are asleep" he said to himself. He walked quietly into the house so he would not wake up his little boy or his wife. He entered the kitchen and drank some water and then walked up the stairs to his master bedroom. He heard faint sounds of a soothing song playing in the background but he couldn't grasp which one it was.

Steve could not believe his eyes. His wife was laying on the bed, wearing a red lingerie type thing, looking sexy as hell. "Ohhh so is this what you are up to now?" He grinned at her. She chuckled and her beautiful eyes twinkled like the stars of the sky. "Ryder is at the Jones tonight". Steve walked up to her and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back with passion and he could feel her nipples tightening and goosebumps erupting from wherever he touched her. Her moans caused his manhood to harden and he gripped her ass with his hands as their tongues danced to the rhythm of their love. Her hands feverishly moved to his shirt as she opened the buttons. Her lips moved to his shoulders down his chest as she trailed kisses all over his body. She wrapped her legs around his torso and he could feel her wetness. They continued to kiss each other slowly peeling away their clothing in the process until they were both naked. He kissed her breasts and spent his time devouring them before slowly going down to her stomach. He heard her gasp when he flicked his finger on her wetness, he slowly inserted one finger and then the other. She kissed him on the mouth as his fingers were doing its work. He then positioned himself close to her entrance and quickly put on the condom that she handed him. They rocked against each other and he filled her in with deep thrusts as they went faster and faster until she screamed his name and came followed up by him.

They had their shower together afterwards and were snuggling in bed when he asked her "how about anal next time?" Marylin started laughing at that. "You know, today, one of my students asked me how babies are made." "Hmm so what did you say to that my darling?" "I told him that babies are sent by god." Steve was about to say something but his phone started ringing. He checked the caller ID and saw it was George who was calling. "Hey, what's up man?" "Hi Steve, we might have a bit of problem here" Steve scowled at George's worried tone and his need to call Steve since George usually dealt with all the problems by himself. "Well.. it turns out that Danielle's mother has died so he will be going back to Hawaii." "Oh my god," said Steve. "But what's the problem, surely we can manage without him for a few days?" George was quiet for a while before he spoke again. "Danielle is going to take care of his mother's cafe, which means he will stay there and we need a pastry chef for the sweet tooth festival this Friday".

The sweet tooth festival! How could he possibly forget about that. Steve called Danielle afterwards and offered his condolence and wished him luck for his life ahead. When Steve was about to hang up Danielle noticed how tensed he sounded. " hey Steve, I have a cousin who's an exceptional baker, she's a bit young and needs some guidance but let me bet, she's even better than me." Steve was delighted that Danielle didn't actually leave them helpless at such an important time and that he even offered to bring his cousin Kate to the diner tomorrow for a meeting.

According to Steve, Whoever this Kate was, at least she could take them through the sweet tooth festival and all the wedding orders that have lined up until he finds someone experienced and suitable.

The next morning, Steve woke up and made breakfast for his family. Marylin sucked at cooking so he usually took care of the kitchen area whilst she did everything else. Steve then wore a dark green shirt with black pants. Ryder wanted his dad to teach him how to play football so Steve promised to teach him on Saturday. Marylin commented that the shirt complemented his eye color and he kissed her like he does every morning before they left for school.

Business that day was smooth like always. It was nearly 11 when Danielle came, Steve noticed that he was alone. "Hey, I am so sorry about your mother," Steve said to Danielle as he gave him a hug. Danielle met with all the staff members and was surprised to see that they all had made a cake especially for his farewell, he was a jolly good person by nature and would be missed by everyone." Danielle came up to him and smiled, "There is my cousin" he said. Steve turned around and saw a girl of perhaps 21 years of age walking towards them, and as their eyes connected, he thought he stopped breathing.

Thanks for reading ❤️
Yes I know Liam hemsworth has blue eyes and not green therefore the cast may change in the future.

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