Competition 3: A Different Perspective

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Hey, all! I've been majorly obsessed with Harry Potter over the last half a year. I've always wondered how it would be in other people's POVs. (I can talk about HP for so long, so let's move on)

So...I'm going to make a competition on different POVs.

You will just need to find your favorite book, and write a different perspective on the book!!! If your book is a third person view book, you're not allowed to write from the main character's point of view.

You can choose to write a different perspective per chapter, or you could have a long story sticking with 1 POV!

Deadline is September 1st!!!

Btw, I'm going to make a #ADifferentPerspective story just for fun, what character should I do? (Probs it will be HP, but eh, IDK) Snape? Voldy? An Order Member? (ugh, can't decide)

In addition, plz comment about the character you want me to write about!

In addition, plz comment about the character you want me to write about!

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1. Submissions have to be related to the topic

2.  Comment in the comment section if you want to join

3. You will need to tag at least 3 people to join (the more the merrier)

4. Please write appropriately (no inappropriate topics/swearing)

5. Please write about a commonly known book (no fanfics, or Wattpad books)

Please share this competition with your friends!

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