5- Egg On Your Face, You Big Disgrace

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"You're not very good at this kidnapping lark you know." I say, watching as my abductor attempts to make me pancakes, after my stomach woke the both of us up by doing what seemed to be an impression of a male operatic choir.

"What do you mean?" Jordan asks, turning to face me, seemingly unaware of the flour residing on the left side of his nose.

"Well I thought it would involve more ropes, screaming and torture. Yet here you are giving me a better breakfast than I'd ordinarily have at home."

He smiles before replying.

"Well feel free to help me out princess because at this rate I think we'll be eating our own limbs."

I chuckle before jumping up from the bar stool to assist the chef. We work together to create the mix and make the first pancake, which I would like to describe as golden brown and smooth, however a more accurate description would be a charcoal coloured goo. Jordan wrinkles his nose before carrying the pan over to the bin and tipping the mess in.

"I think we may need some more mix." He says, eyes fixed on the remnants of our homemade disaster clinging to the pan. I get to it, cracking another egg and mixing in more flour. I think I see some egg shell bobbing in the bowl so I lean in to inspect closer and try and get it out. Suddenly a hand at the back of my head launches my face at the pancake mix.


Did he just?


I lift my dripping face from the mix to face the perpetrator, pale slime sliding down my face, and he is silently in tears, wheezing for air with laughter.

"There's the torture you asked for princess." He fits in between gasping breaths. I look behind me and grope for the box of eggs, grabbing one and launching it at his face, he lets out a squeal as the shells cracks on his forehead, and the yolk flops down across his face, chest and then to the floor. He is no longer laughing, but bent down, staring up at me with dangerous eyes, I'm unsure of how to react. I hope I haven't pissed him off.

"Oh you should not have done that, Ivy."

I gulp at his familiar words as he stalks towards me, and reaches out. Only then do I realise what he is about to do as I scream in terror as the contents of the bag of flour are no longer in the bag, but powdering by my hair, changing it from caramel to white. The force of impact causes a cloud of white smoke to surround us so that I can barely see him, it causes me to cough, and as I'm hacking away I reach for the pancake batter and an egg, and when the flour-cloud settles, I hurl the jug at him so that the liquid splatters against his white t-shirt and face at the same moment as he squirts a bottle of oil at me, making me look as though I've been urinated on. Both of us are laughing. In retaliation I use the egg in my hand as ammunition, running at him and reaching up, smacking it down on his head.

He gazes at me with those chocolate eyes as the egg drips down his forehead, and it is at this moment I notice our proximity has greatly decreased, and he is so close that are noses are almost touching. We are crouched on the floor surrounded by a littering of kitchen products. He doesn't break eye contact with me, forcing me to be absorbed into those deep pools, both of us pant with the effort from our previous shenanigans, the mood has changed completely and I don't understand it at all. It is only when his hand slides around my waist that I am awoken from my trance and jump up. What was I thinking? He's my kidnapper.

Jordan looks up at me with a sensitive face before it flicks into a grin as he says "Better go get yourself cleaned up while I sort out this mess and something for us to eat. Go on." He gestures to the stairs and looks away from me, grabbing a cloth to start cleaning. I head up the stairs and go into the bathroom to shower. As I scrub the oil from my body I think about the moment we just had, It was so wrong, I'm almost sure this isn't how kidnappings normally go, but then again, who knows what's going to happen in two weeks when we 'leave'.

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