6- Sweaty Forts and Alfresco Dining

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"I'm trying my best."

"I feel like I'm the only one putting any effort in." Jordan grunts with exertion.

"Ouch, watch it!" I moan.

"Well maybe if this wasn't a one way thing then we'd get it done twice as fast."

"Hey, it's not like I've done this before." I retaliate.

"You've never built a fort?" Says Jordan in surprise, from the other side of the sofa we're currently pushing.

"Of course I've built a fort, I have two brothers, I've just never had to rearrange the household furniture to do so." I say as the sofa slides into the spot destined for it. Jordan appears around at my side, red faced and huffing. We stand together admiring our work consisting of one sofa turned on its side, towering over us, another one the right way up, a couple of small tables and lots of blankets. Lots of blankets.

"Shall we give it a go?" Asks Jordan.

"Sure." I answer, crawling into the dark entrance. Jordan suggested we make a fort after my little breakdown after the phone call, I've not recovered but this had made me feel a little better by helping me forget the reality of the situation.

I look around me in the dark den as Jordan crawls in- We've done pretty well, if I do say so myself. He perches himself next to me on the floor and settles down.

"So now what?" I ask.

"Well, there's us two. Alone. In the dark. You tell me." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. I jokingly push him.

"Not funny."

"I know, I'm joking, jeez."

"Excuse me?" I ask, mocking shock.

"Not that I'm saying I wouldn't uh... uh..." He stares at the floor and scratches the back of him neck uncomfortably.

"Wouldn't what?" I say, turning to face him whilst crossing my arms.

"You know... Bang you." He coughs, and I can see even in the darkness that his face is scarlet.

"You want to 'bang' me?" I ask, enjoying his discomfort.


"You don't want to?"

"No! Yes! Wait what? Shut up!" He blurts out, as I fall into a torrent of giggles. He appears annoyed but I spot a small smirk under the façade. In the end we resort to playing two lies one truth- Because lets be honest, who can ever think of two truths?

"Okay my turn. 1) When playing hide and seek with my brothers I once hid so well that they didn't find me for two hours. 2) Once when Ash annoyed me, I put nuts in his cereal because he's allergic. 3)I broke my leg by jumping out of a window because I thought I could fly." I say. Jordan thinks carefully for a moment before answering.

"The nut one is true."

"Yes." I smile.

"What happened?" He laughs.

"Uhh he had to go to hospital with a swollen face..." I say as Jordan hacks with laughter.

"Okay my go," He wheezes. "1)For a dare I danced round a shopping centre in a pink dress. 2) In high school I punched someone who said 'excuse me' because I was having a bad day. Or 3)One time my brother and I got so drunk that we woke up in a chicken coop."

I consider the options slowly, as all of them seem to likely, before coming to a decision.

"The dress one's true."

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