3-The Almost Escape

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Its been hours.


And I haven't slept a wink.

Mr Kidnapper slept like a baby though, after making sure I was secure. He is only awoken once I start banging my feet on the floor. Like, really banging.

His droopy eyelids dozily open as he eventually settles his focus on me, looking almost surprised to see me.

"I- um.. I need to go." I shyly pronounce.

"Go where?" He asks, still waking up.

"To the toilet."


I give him a pointed look before his eyes widen in realisation. He exclaims a quick "oh" before standing up and knocking on the grill leading to the driver.

"Dude, she needs to go."

"Go where?"

"To the toilet"

"Tell her she'll have to wait, we're nearly there."

Mr Kidnapper turns to look at me. "He says you have you wait because we're nearly there."

"But I really need to go." I protest.

"Dude, she really needs to go." I hear a grunt of annoyance before the van slows to a stop. The kidnapper unties the rope, but my hands still remain bound by the zip ties, and leads me to the doors of the van. As I prepare to leave, the kidnapper turns me round to face him and bends down until we're on eye-level,

"Any funny business, any at all and I swear you'll have that gag on until we get there." He says dangerously. Aside from the fact that I do actually need the toilet, I concocted this plan in my head to escape, if it doesn't work then I'll bear the consequences, but I'm willing to risk it. After I nod in reply, he opens the doors, I expect sunlight to flood in, however I am met by night, meaning I must not have been sat in the van as long as I expect.

He guides me out by my arm, and I see we are on an open road in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields.


His tight grip leads me to the edge of the field where I look at him expectantly.

"What?" He exclaims.

"I need my hands."

"Oh. Well just notice that you can't run anywhere from here. Remember what happens if you do." He says, whilst using a pocketknife to cut the ties. He walks a little while away from me and tells me to shout when I'm 'done'. I look around to take in my surroundings. It's dark, so they could have trouble catching me, but there's nowhere to hide so I'd risk being caught. Behind me is the road which seems to stretch away into the night sky, and the van, which the driver is leaning against, smoking a cigarette. He is slightly less muscly and smaller than the kidnapper who is stood at the edge of the road with his back to me, his tight black t-shirt rippling in the soft breeze. I decide that my best chances are to creep away silently to give me a head start, considering neither of them are looking. I creep through the grass, which is thankfully long as a result of the hot Summer just gone. I reach a good distance away before I hear the kidnapper say "Shit, Joe she's gone!". There is a great deal of shouting before the grass rustles as they run through it looking for me. I pick up my pace, trying to keep the noise to a minimum.

I must have been on the run now for about 3 minutes with no clue of where I was going, I'd reached a small wood, and was dashing between trees for cover. I stop to catch my breath, and peek around the tree to see if they have followed me in, I lean back into it and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Gotcha." A husky voice whispers in my ear, startling me.


I try to make a run but the kidnapper catches my wrist as I desperately pull to get away, I then make a decision in my despair, and swing my leg up, kicking him in the balls. He instantly releases me, and bends down, clutching his manhood. I take the opportunity to run as fast as I can, just as I think I may be at an advantage, I hear footsteps closely behind me.

A burly body comes crashing down on my back bringing me to the ground, and we slide along the dirt together. Both of us lay panting, as he pins me down, laying on top of me.

"You shouldn't have done that." He says in a low growl above me, sending shivers through my whole body. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have.

He sits up still pinning me down by my butt, straddling me as he pulls some zip ties once more from his pocket. Once I'm all tied up, we begin the awkward walk back to the van, while he calls 'Joe' to tell him he's found me. He keeps a tight grip on me, and when we get to the van, he almost throws me in, a stormy look etched upon his features. We sit in silence as he ties me back up and I try not to shake in fear. These people could be capable of anything. He puts the gag back on me as promised, and sits back in his seat, head resting against the wall behind him, staring up at the ceiling with those scary eyes, as we continue on to our destination.


The van slows to a stop, I hear the opening of a gate, we roll forwards and then the gate creaks shut.

"Time to go princess." Comes the voice of my kidnapper.

He hovers above me and unties me from the restraint in the van, leading me out into the early hours of the morning.

The first thing I notice in my surroundings is not the house we are heading towards, but the towering walls caging it in. They are unnaturally high, and would ordinarily have appeared grand, had they not been topped with rolls of barbed wire, giving the whole grounds a prison like feeling. I look towards the kidnapper who, just like me, is looking round the setting with a frown gracing his features. He clearly was new to the place, just like me.

"Well I'll leave you guys to it. See you in a couple of weeks. You know the rules man." Says driver Joe, acknowledging the kidnapper.

"I guess so." Breathes the kidnapper, still taking in his surroundings.

Driver Joe walks back the van, and leaves us.

"Well then princess, welcome to your temporary home." Smiles the kidnapper, bringing his dark eyes down to mine, and his arm moves from clutching my arm, to wrapped around my shoulders, and he ruffles my hair.

The cheek of it.

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