The Moon's Eye

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Congrats if you found this and have decided to open it. I'll just go ahead and throw this out here, I don't care what Rick said about the Hunters, this is fiction, therefore I'm allowed to disregard cannon however I please. You're welcome. -M

It all started out normally enough. Thalia had long since become accustomed to sleeping in the captain's quarters, and the musty morning air was a welcome scent to start any day. Especially when such scents and visions come with it. Scents and visions such as a sleep ruffled captain with her hair undone and strewn across Thalia's shoulders like a second blanket.

She can't quite stifle the laugh that comes rumbling from her chest at the notion, for Reyna is simply too much. She always has been. Now she's just a sleepy person who's grumbling and burying her face into Thalia's back, like that'll somehow protect it from the ghastly amounts of sunlight that are streaming in through their window.

"Get up Sunshine, it's a new day," Thalia hums softly into the pirate's ear and Reyna just grumbles louder, reaching down to pull the covers up and over them. Thalia chuckles again, she's always been more of a morning person than Reyna, but she guesses that comes from years of being trained to get up at the crack of dawn.

"If you don't get up, I'm going without you," she teases gently and makes out a half-coherent 'no' as Reyna moves to settle her head underneath the British girl's chin. "Cuddling me isn't going to win me over." Thalia reminds, but Reyna doesn't acknowledge the comment, wrapping her arms around Thalia's torso instead. She just chuckles more at the response.

"You seriously need to get used to mornings," Thalia mumbles, smoothing down Reyna's hair, but making no attempt to actually move. Someone will come and find them if they're needed, and it's really warm and comfy in the bed.

Not that the rush of wind and sea doesn't have its own charm. It does, and Thalia's come to appreciate it over the years. However, she has to say that she prefers the company of a certain pirate over the roaring waves. Reyna seems to agree, as she burrows further into Thalia's side. She's warm and smells like cinnamon and cocoa and all the things one would find in a tea house back in England, which Thalia finds both curious and comforting. She hasn't seen the country in nearly five months and as much as she enjoys the sea it's hard not to feel a bit homesick. But Reyna's always lived on the sea, so Thalia sometimes wonders if the poor girl even knows how to walk on land.

Now that's a funny thought. Reyna wobbling around in the middle of the cobblestone streets of England, walking like a drunk person and clutching onto any surface she can find. It's enough to get Thalia to laugh and Reyna to grumble in protest to being bounced on Thalia's shaking shoulders.

"Why do you always have to be so awake," the pirate mumbles. Thalia returns to running her hands through the grumpy girl's hair.

"Because one of us has to be a morning person, Cheri," Reyna hums appreciatively at the nickname. The sunlight that filters through the window turns the Hispanic girl's skin a warm color like creamed coffee, and her glossy black hair reflects the sunlight like an obsidian stone. Thalia's never been quite able to figure out how she got such good hair with being around sea spray 24/7.

"Why do you have to be the morning person," her mumbles aren't really conscious and Thalia knows that. Reyna isn't fully aware of anything until she's necked an entire pint of coffee.

"Because you certainly aren't," Thalia snorts out and Reyna makes a face that is adorably close to a pout, but the queen of pirates would never admit to pouting. Ever.

"Shut up," Reyna mumbles and Thalia laughs again, which has become as much of a normal occurrence as breathing. So has kissing, and Reyna decides to do so right at this moment. She leans up and plants her lips directly against Thalia's own, who only manages a hum of enjoyment.

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