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*my pov* It vas dark utside the Sun was just starting to go down "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck im supposed to be at South Antarctica's house an hour ago!" I started to run my scarf trailing behind me my tail getting caught on something and my 1 curl grazed against something I let out a small moan with a gasp I jolted around and a tall man vith a whitish pink scarf and purple eyes that were almost blue stood there looking at me "OH I Am vely sorry I Stepped on your tail I didn't see you I vas looking for Canada!" The tall Russian stuttered " oh I except ur apology Mr - uh..?" I jester toward him "oh Menji zeviut Rossia"! He stated "uh I dont speak much russian so the only thing I got out of that was Russia so ill call you russia"! "Das fine vy me!" Stated russia "Wait you said you were looking for canada?" I questioned "Da I am do jou know where he lives vy any chance?" "Well I happen to be heading to my sisters place she is dating Canada And he lives with her so you can follow me if you like!" I gave him a smile "Sure"

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