Im Fucked

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*Russia's Pov*   Could dis fox really know Canada? Well I dont think she would be lying she is kinda cute and Canada Has mentioned his girlfriend had a sister.........  "We're Here!!!!!! Man I Hope Antarctica doesnt Chew My Ass for being late!"  "vait How do people tell you're names apart if you're both Antarctica?" I asked "Oh thats easy my sister is Antarctica I Am  Arctica!" "Oh?" *awkward silence* "Welp we better get our asses inside before we're both fucked!" The short cute fluffball Exclaimed


I walked in the house *Ahem*  "ANTARCTICA! YOU HOME" no answer " I got this *deep breath* CANADA IS A WHINEY LITTLE BITCH!" There is instantly a rumble and a portal opens up from the ceiling  And Antarctica pops out of it scaring the shit out of russia Antarctica: WHO IN THE SEVEN SHADES OF FUCK SAID THAT!?!?" Me:Found her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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