14|| Off to the Cornucopia

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American Boy had only gotten three hours of sleep but it was better then zero hours of sleep. When he woke up I was back in my black shirt and leather jacket while munching on some fruit that was found not too far from where we set up camp. I had a little bag that held the fruit for him which we both ate in silence. Then I drank some water before offering him some which he thankfully took. Then we were off.

Even if we didn't speak I knew that our friendship - if that's what we're calling it - is slowly but surely growing. It felt nice for there to be someone who would hear bits and pieces of myself from my past, to really know me as Camila instead of he infamous Corvus.

"Where are we heading?" Asked the Captain as we continued forwards.

"While you were drunk and I had to take you on my back I managed to find the middle do this whole arena finding that in the middle is this dome thing which is like a spawn point or, like the Hunger Games, the Cornucopia. In the movies the Cornucopia is where all the weapons and food and generally all the supplies are at."

"If those things are there wouldn't that be the main priority to anyone?"

"Yes," I agreed. "But that's our biggest chance to winning. I've been able to gather tiny bits of information, one being that the name calls for when someone is eliminated isn't called out so we have no I idea who is in and who is out. So far I've counted five people but three were eliminated making it two which leaves seventeen more people that includes us, then again there could have been people who were eliminated that neither one of us would know of."

"What will we do?" The blonde soldier asked. "I mean once reaching the Corn-Cornuc-"

"Cornucopia," I finished. "And to answer your question there will be no doubt that someone will already be there. That's the number one hit spot, there will be a pair already there defending the middle from everyone else so we'll just have to defeat them and win."

"You make it sound easy," American Boy said.

"I may make it sound easy but sadly can't make it actually easy." From then on we continued forward, I moved from the ground to the rainforest tree branches jumping like a monkey and making sure we weren't being followed or have any unwanted guests.

Lifting my head up my eyes were careful to scan everything in front and to the sides of us. Why, you readers may be asking? Simply because I heard the rustle of bushes or leafs, and it can't be any animal since I haven't seen a single insect or other animals in this place.

Narrowing my eyes I could see the slightest movement of a leaf. Turning my head back Cap was still making his way over to me, not noticing the movement up ahead.

My tail went off the branch hanging instead. My eyes kept track of the movement as my ears listened for American Boy's footsteps. The idea forming in mind could either end in disaster or can save our asses, difficult to tell at the moment.

"Camila?" The blonde soldier questioned once he was right below me. But it was also that moment when the rustle started rushing at us.

My tail wrapped around American Boy's wrist lifting him off the ground and at arms length where I took hold of his wrist pulling him up beside me. From the corner of my gray eyes could I see his mouth open but I slammed my hand over his mouth motioning to in front of us just as silver and blue ran right out of the bushes and a few feet behind us.

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend (Avengers Fan/Fic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now