Angela and Snails

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Angela and Fareeha are both birds

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Angela and Fareeha are both birds. Angela is a pretty dove while Fareeha is just your average blue bird. Fareeha has a very bad seed addiction, but Angela doesn't know this. Please don't tell Angela because Fareeha doesn't want to make her upset. They share a nest together in a really nice tree.
One day, Angela was watching the ground and chirped to Fareeha, "Hey babe, do you think I could eat a snail?"
Fareeha had been fixing up the nest because they were expecting eggs soon, and she nearly dropped the twig she was holding. Fareeha takes her nest building very serious. "What? No Angie please don't go eat a snail. I don't recommend eating a snail. It's probably a very bad idea..."
"Shush Fareeha. I have a feeling that if I eat a snail it'll be alright because ya know it just would be. I'm a doctor, you know. I went to college," Angela replied, jumping up and down on the twig in excitement. This made the entire branch shake, which caused Fareeha to begin to chirp even louder in fear of the nest falling.
"Birds don't go to college, dear. There's no such thing as bird school," Fareeha tweeted back as she worried over the nest, wings fluttering. "Don't shake the nest. I've worked really hard on it!"
Angela quickly stopped and apologized, looking over to her beautiful bird wife for a few seconds.

Meanwhile on the ground, a snail by the name of Amélie slithered across the ground

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Meanwhile on the ground, a snail by the name of Amélie slithered across the ground. Her cat girlfriend, Satya, watched her as she slowly went on about her day. Amélie was just a regular old snail while Satya was a gorgeous Persian cat with flowing fur and the lushest whiskers.
"Do you need any help? I could just carry you to wherever you go," Satya meowed, her pretty chocolate brown eyes watching the snail continue to slither. Her tail swished back and forth, and she stretched her long, sharp, bird killing claws. She had a reputation of killing any bird that came after her snail girlfriend.
"No I've got it as long as there's no salt where I'm going, though there always seems to be wherever I go. I don't know why," the snail replied rather quickly.
"It's because you are so salty, dear. I still love you with all my heart though," the cat replied with a satisfied purr.
Amélie glared at her with her snail eyes and frowned at her, but continued to slither along in the grass.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD ANGIE THERES A CAT DOWN THERE!" Fareeha screeched, flapping her wings and bobbing her little bird head. "ANGIE SHES GONNA GET THE NEST!" Before Angela could say anything, Fareeha swooped down to attack the cat. The blue bird had always been very protective of their nest.
"What the fuck?" Satya hissed as a random blue bird swooped down at her head, screeching as loud as it possible could and bobbing its head.
"GO AWAY!" Fareeha screeched, flapping her wings and glaring her beady, black bird eyes at the cat. She had landed on the grass in front of the cat now, ready to fight and enforce justice. Fareeha was addicted to justice as much as she was to seed, which was a lot.
The cat simply ignored the blue bird and instead went to go stand over her precious snail girlfriend because if anything ever happened to Amélie, she couldn't live with herself. Amélie just watched the entire debacle, now under the safety of her cat girlfriend.
"WOAH FAREEHA! THERES A SNAIL DOWN THERE!" Angie chirped excitedly, her beautifully preened tail bobbing up and down. Angela was a gorgeous bird and was considered to be one of the prettiest birds in the area. All the male birds were absolutely in love with her, even more than they were with their own wives, but sadly Angela was as gay as she was beautiful, which was a lot. While Angela would of dived down there and snatched up the snail, she was terrified of the bird killing claws the cat had.
Satya hissed at the two birds before promptly picking up Amélie and running off, her beautiful, long fur flowing in the wind.
Fareeha returned to her post at the top of her tree with a very triumphant look on her face. She raised her blue bird head high and kept her tail feathers high too. Angela, however, was sad because she really wanted to eat a snail.
Fareeha, noticing the sadness on her gorgeous bird wife, quickly moved over to her and nuzzled the others small bird head. "Shh, Angie, it's okay. She was a salty snail to begin with. It's okayyyyyyy."
Angela sniffled, a small bird tear sliding down her beak. "It is?" the dove weakly chirped.
"Yeah it is!" Fareeha said, nuzzling the others head again and giving a happy chirp. Angela's mood couldn't help but brighten because of Fareeha's own, and she nuzzled the other's head back. "Okay," she tweeted.
The two spent the rest of the day cuddled up together in their nest like two birds in love should be.

((I will come back and draw pictures for the scenes

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((I will come back and draw pictures for the scenes.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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