Chapter 3

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Hey guys, this story is probably only going to be short since i have an amazing idea for another story, hope you still enjoy this one though :)


Chapter 3

Harry's P.O.V

After the whole incidence with Louis, i decided to text him

Hey it's Harry, sorry for everything today want to hang out with me tomorrow after school? :)

About 2 minutes after i sent the text my phone vibrated

Hey Harry, sorry can't with Alyssa and Georgie, -Louis :)

That made me quite mad, and he called her Georgie, he has only known her for one day! Plan of action!

As i got into form that morning I sat where i normally do Louis next to me, form was as normal, I chatted to Zayn. The next lesson was art, unfortunately I was late to the lesson, stuck next to Alyssa, which meant we were partners in any projects. I walked in to the lesson dreading it, I mean I love art but hate Alyssa. She hadn't done anything wrong I guess she just wasn't liked by other populars...

"Hey Alyssa," I said as I sat down, she was doodling in her book, she didn't even look up

"hi." she replied simplify

"So you coming to Zayn's party tomorrow night?" I asked

"Didn't know I was invited..." she replied looking up

"Everyone is." I replied "His at 8!" I smiled at her trying to be as nice as possible. "Bring Georgina and Louis too if you like." I added.

"Errm, okay..." She replied

"Right class settle down!" It wasn't our usual teacher, "I will be taking you class today because your teacher is of sick. But don't worry I have your projects to hand out, all the instructions are on the sheet, needs to be finished in 3 weeks time." He spoke very loudly. Great have to work with Alyssa, I don't think she was so happy about having to work with me either but I guess we will have to.

"It doesn't look so difficult," I said looking at what we have to do. Alyssa looked up

"It will be a piece of cake!" Before the conversation could get awkward the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and went to my next lesson.

Alyssa's P.O.V

Before I knew it, it was lunch I sat down at the end of a table with Louis and Georgie. I told them that Harry invited us to a party, Georgie said it would be a laugh so we all decided we would go.

Just as we finished speaking Harry came and sat with us.

"Hey guys, is it okay if I eat Lunch with you?" Harry said with a smile on his face

"Where are your friends?" I replied taking a bite of a chip

"I dunno, with some girls I think." He replied taking a bite of his burger

"Why aren't you with them then?" Georgie asked

"Because I wanna eat Lunch with you guys." He replied taking another bite of his burger. Could tell there was a reason behind this, just wonder what?

I wish the days lasted forever, because the party has come to quickly. I jumped into the shower, trying to keep myself awake, then hopped out wrapping my towel around me walking into my bedroom getting my best party gear on, well a skater skirt and a top, so not really anything. Then I put some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick on and let my long hair down from a messy bun, couldn't be bothered with it. I walked outside my house to be greeted by Louis and Georgie, "Ready to go then?" Louis asked me

"Yeah!" I said as we walked down the road, Zayn only lived a couple of streets aways. We knocked on the door and went in. We sat down in the living room. It was dead on 8:00pm so i guess the party hadn't started yet...


Sorry it is short I don't have much time :) Will make a longer one next promise!!!

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