Chapter III

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We stopped in front of the double doors next to Belle's room and Lumière opened them. "Bienvenue," he said and my jaw dropped again. This room was just as beautiful as Belle's, even though it was completely different. I could see I had a small balcony and also a king bed. I looked at the ceiling and saw a painting of a beautiful forest: a rainbow, a small creek that led to a waterfall, a few deer drinking from the creek and birds flying through the sky.

"It is truly beautiful," I said.

"I know, right?" Lumière asked.

"Is the wardrobe alive?" I asked, pointing at the brown wardrobe in the corner of the room.

"Monsieur Armoire, you have company," Lumière called out and the wardrobe opened his doors.

"A guest?" he asked, his voice deep. "It's been so long!" I gulped, not wanting to be dressed up like Belle.

"Well, we'll leave you to it," Lumière said, leaving the room with Cogsworth and Plumette. "If you ever need anything, give a call." I nodded and the doors closed.

"What would you like to wear, ma chérie?" Monsieur Armoire asked.

"Well," I said, looking down at my gown. "I usually wear something comfortable, like a shirt and trousers." To my surprise, the wardrobe didn't protest.

"Ah, you like it different than everyone else?" he said. "No problem. I can understand that. I was just like you in my days." He reached into his drawer and handed me a pair of white high-waist trousers, a white linen shirt and a brown linen waistcoat. I thanked him and walked over to the dressing screen standing in the corner. I stepped out of my uncomfortable gown and put on the new clothes.

"You look beautiful," Monsieur Armoire told me.

"Do you also have a tricorn or another hat?" I asked. "I like wearing hats." To my surprise, he pulled out a black tricorn hat and I took it gratefully, putting it on my head.

I excused myself and walked towards the doors to the balcony. I opened them and stopped on the balcony. The air outside was cold and I noticed there was still a blanket of snow on the ground. I could see the maze where Maurice picked the rose in the distance. I sighed. This morning I was still in Villeneuve, walking through the streets with Belle. How things had changed so fast... Now I was stuck here forever.

I heard the sound of doors opening and looked at the origin of the sound to see Belle stepping onto her balcony.

"Hey," I greeted her.

"Madame De Garderobe has fallen asleep," Belle said, smiling sadly.

"I believe Monsieur Armoire is minding his own business," I told her and looked back. Indeed, I saw Monsieur Armoire looking through his drawers and pulling out moths.

"How things have changed..." Belle sighed, leaning on the balcony's fence.

"How did you even get here?" I asked.

"Philippe ran home and showed me the way back," she replied and I remembered letting go of Philippe's reins and him running off. "I saw Eloïse standing in front of the castle's gates, so I took her with me and tied her and Philippe to the stables."

I was glad Eloïse was okay.

"You know what?" Belle asked and turned around. She walked back into her room without saying another word.

"What?" I asked, feeling confused.

Belle returned with a few pieces of clothing and tied them to each other in a knot. She reached across our two balconies and handed me a few pieces of clothing.

My Candle in the Darkness ~ A Beauty and the Beast fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now