Chapter X

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Lumière, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Plumette, Chip and I had chosen to spend our last moments in the ballroom. Maestro Cadenza was playing a tune while Lumière and I were dancing again, trying to forget about what was going to happen soon.

"At least he has finally learnt to love," Lumière said, twirling me around.

"And what good would that be for us if she doesn't love him in return?" Cogsworth asked.

"No, this is the first time I've had any hope she would," Mrs. Potts said.

Suddenly there was the sound of a horse whinnying outside.

"Did you hear that, Mama?" Chip asked. "Is it her? Is she coming back?" He ran towards the window and we followed him.

"Could it be?" Lumière said hopefully, holding my hand.

"I told you!" Plumette said.

"Sacré bleu!" Lumière said as he wiped the dust off the window. "Invaders!"

There were dozens of horses with even more men and women marching towards the castle.

"Ruffians!" Mrs. Potts exclaimed as we ran towards the castle's front doors.

"Well, there you go," Cogsworth muttered. "So much for true love." But I knew it could never Belle who sent the mob to the castle. She would never do something like that. Something must have happened to her. I really hoped she and Maurice were alright.

We reached the main hall, where other objects had already gathered, wondering what the noise outside was about. A few had climbed into the windowsill and reported loudly what they were seeing.

"Man the barricades!" Cogsworth ordered. "And hold fast!"

"Move aside!" Maestro Cadenza told us, coming out of the ballroom. He ran towards the doors and blocked them with his whole frame.

"Hearts ablaze, banners high, we go marching into battle - unafraid, although the danger's just increased," we told each other as we barricaded the front doors with everything we could find. I glanced at Lumière, feeling anxious and he nodded to reassure me.

"Raise the flag, sing the song. Here we come and we're fifty strong and fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong! Let's kill the Beast!" the people outside yelled and there was a loud bang as their ram hit the door, breaking off a large part.

"We need help," Cogsworth said.

"Where are you going, Cogsworth?" I asked as Cogsworth climbed the stairs.

"To warn the Master they're coming!" he replied. I doubted the Beast didn't know there were fifty angry Frenchmen at the door, but I didn't say anything.

"Kill the Beast!" the mob outside yelled again and brought the ram down on the door again and again. Maestro Cadenza was trying to hold the door with all of his might, but we all know that wasn't going to last forever.

"This isn't working!" Mrs. Potts exclaimed desperately.

"I know what to do," Lumière said and told us about his plan.

"Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!" the people outside yelled and we made ourselves scarce. Maestro Cadenza let go of the door on Lumière's signal and the mob broke in.

We had all found a spot in the main hall, pretending like we were just a bunch of oddly placed objects. I was leaning against Lumière, standing on the same bookcase Cogsworth and Lumière were standing on when Maurice and I entered the castle for the first time - oh, the irony.

My Candle in the Darkness ~ A Beauty and the Beast fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now