Chapter XI

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I knew something was off when I heard the sound of a dog barking. It sounded so familiar... If only I could open my eyes and see what was going on...

"Maestro!" someone yelled and I could hear the sound of something breaking. I hope everything was going well there... I recognised that voice from somewhere, but I didn't know from where. If only I could open my eyes...

"Maestro," the woman cried.

"Madame," a man said happily and I reckoned that he was 'the Maestro.'

I heard a clock chiming close to me and only now realised I was leaning against something solid. How did I even get here? Why couldn't I open my eyes?

The solid feeling against my side disappeared and I fell on the ground. The thing I was leaning against had moved.

I heard laughter.

"Lumière!" someone exclaimed happily.

"Cogsworth, we beat the clock," the other one - Lumière, I presumed - replied.

"Mon ami," Cogsworth said in relief.

"Where's Alex?" Lumière asked.

"Here," Cogsworth replied. "She'll turn soon."

I didn't know these people and I certainly didn't know who they were talking about. What was happening? I couldn't move...

I heard a boy scream and a woman yell.

"Chip!" the woman exclaimed in surprise. "Look at you! You're a little boy again! What did I tell you, darling? Oh, you smell so good." She and the boy laughed and I wondered again what was going on.

"Darling?" a man said as I could hear other voices coming my way. Maybe I was standing on a street? I tried to rack my brain. I didn't remember how I got here or why I couldn't move. It was the most terrifying feeling I had ever felt. But again, I couldn't remember anything before this moment right here.

"Mr. Potts!" the woman from before yelled.

"Beatrice, I remember!" the man exclaimed. Remember what? I would like to remember, too.

"Henry?" a woman asked. "Henry!"

"Oh, dear," I could hear the man close to me - Cogsworth - say.

"I've been so lonely," the woman said.

"Turn back into a clock, turn back into a clock," Cogsworth muttered.

"Oh, my Prince!" the other man standing close to me - Lumière - exclaimed. A prince? What was going on?

"Hello, old friend," another man said and I guessed that must be the 'Prince.'

"It's so good to see you," Lumière said.

"You saved our lives, mademoiselle," a woman said.

"Belle, it's me!" the little boy said. "It's Chip!"

Belle... I had heard that name before... Thinking about it, I had heard the name 'Lumière' too.

"Why hasn't Alex turned yet?" Lumière asked and I could hear someone crouching down next to me, picking me up. I felt large hands, so I was tiny, but I still didn't remember.

"Maybe we have to wait for a while..." Plumette said hopefully and the people fell silent. If I could blush, I would have. I imagined they were probably all looking at me now. But why? Was there something I was missing?

"Come on, Alex," Lumière said and I realised he was talking to me. My name was Alex? I thought I was a girl...

"Maybe the curse worked different for her," the Prince said.

"No, no, Alex," Lumière said. "Come back to me. Don't leave me."

I tried to rack my brain again and a name came to my mind. Eléontine...

And then everything came flooding back. I remembered what happened. My name was Alex and I was turned into a quill! I realised the spell must have been broken by Belle and felt happy for her. She had finally done it.

I listened to Lumière, feeling sad. I knew it wouldn't work. He had to move on. I was a solid object now forever. That was how my curse worked. I only regretted that I would have to spend eternity like this - alive, but not entirely. Unable to move or speak...

"Alex, please," Lumière begged. "I love you..."

I felt sad. I love you, too, I thought and suddenly realised I had opened my mouth and actually said it out loud.

The feeling in my arms and legs returned again and I opened my eyes, feeling myself grow. I heard people gasp and looked around. I was me again. I still looked like Eléontine, but I was me.

"Alex, my love!" Lumière exclaimed happily and I looked at him. He was exactly the same as I remembered him: white wig, brown moustache and goatee, yellow clothing.

"Lumière!" I said in relief and we leaned forward, locking our lips. I only now realised how badly I had wanted this to happen.

The people started to cheer and when Lumière and I let go of each other and I opened my eyes, I could see a small plume of smoke coming from Lumière's head and quickly patted it out, laughing.

"Alex, you're back," Belle said happily, hugging me.

"I'm glad to see you here, too," I laughed and let go of her, walking towards the Prince. I made a small curtsy.

"It's good to see you again, Your Majesty," I said. He was the same person as he was before the curse, but still so... different. Just like me.

"Thank you for breaking the curse, Alex," the Prince said and hugged me. I laughed and let go of him.

"I was afraid you were going to stay a quill forever," Lumière told me, grabbing my hand.

"I was, too," I said, squeezing it. He laughed and kissed me again.


The ballroom had been cleaned thoroughly for the feast. The Prince had decided to throw a party, inviting everyone from the village. There were dozens of people on the dance floor and even more standing on the side-lines, watching the dance with happy faces. Madame De Garderobe was singing again, Froufrou in her arms and Maestro Cadenza was playing the harpsichord, looking happier than ever.

In the centre of the ballroom danced Belle and the Prince, both dressed beautifully for the occasion. I smiled happily, looking at Lumière. We were also dancing and I couldn't feel more content.

I glanced at the side-lines and saw Marie waving at me. Aunt Fantine and Papa - who was himself again, thanks to the Prince's finest doctors - smiled at me and I laughed. I had told them everything and surprisingly, they were completely fine with it. They had told me I would always be a member of their family and they had even met Lumière already.

I heard Lumière laugh and looked back at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I love you, do you know that?" he replied.

"I do," I told him. "And I love you, too."

La Fin

My Candle in the Darkness ~ A Beauty and the Beast fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now