Maybe It Was For The Best

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I'm definitely not in labor

I looked under the covers only to see blood

"jason, jason wake up!" I whispered

"uh what whhyyyyyyy?"

"quit whining take me to the hospital"

"what why what's wrong is it the baby?"he asked kind if scared

"I don't know"I said

"well I can't take you to the hospital....there's cameras but I now where we have a doctor ill take you there sound good?"

"yeah I just hope everything turns out fine"

we pulled out of the drive way and drove to the doctors

                         *car ride*

jason looked at me and pulled over

"why did you stop keep driving!"I said

"  you look pale as fuck"

"then quit fucking stopping and get there!"


jason stepped out of the car and went to knock on the door

they talked which seemed to last forever

jason ran towards the car and helped my out

but once I set foot on the ground I fell

jason carried me into the office where the doctor lives? I think

"lay her down there" he said pointing to a small bed

"ok now what's wrong ?any pain?" he asked

"well I'm not sure and no, no pain at all"I said

"well you lost a lot of blood and that's not a good sign you look really pale"he said

after talking and talking and more talking

we finally did the ultrasound I laid there hoping and praying that eveything was going to be okay, jason held my hand

the last thing I wanted to hear is that I lost my baby

"well I'm very sorry to tell you that you lost your baby"

I dont know how to react to this kind of news I mean I just I'm in shock

the docter walked away and all I hear are sniffs coming from beside me

"why are you crying? I asked

"why aren't you? he said between sobbs

"uh I don't know I guess I'm still in shock?"

"lets go"he said

when all of a sudden I started crying my eyes out that's when it hit me.......I lost my baby I sat down beside the car crying like like like I lost my baby

"shhhh babygirl I here for you"he said

I cried even harder its been forever since he's called me babygirl

"j-jason I've m-missed y-you so s-so m-much an-and I've m-missed you c-calling m-me b-bab-ygi-rl" i said

"maybe it was for the best"I said

"yeah maybe"he said

after the whole crying thing we got back in the car

"you know you could alway try again maybe this time with me?!"

Business Man or Gang Member? (Jason McCanWhere stories live. Discover now