You Can Run But You Can't Hide

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Genesis (POV)


I put my hands up I'm surrender

tommy: I though you were a tough ass bitch.....guess people change..uh

Genesis: at least you got one thing right
"tough ass bitch"and this is what I've learned from that

I twisted his arm flipped him to the ground and pointed the gun straight at him

tommy: you won't do it

this guy was once the love of my life he's was everything to me but he's changed

genesis:watch me

before I even shot the gun I've already been tackled to the ground

tommy: you forgot one thing

I was trying to get out of his grip when

I felt a sharp pain on my left side of my stomach

fuck, I forgot the pocket knife

I punched him right in the noise making him bleed

i got up an ran towards ashlynn

Genesis:come on lets go

we started running towards god knows where

my stomach hurt like a motherfucker but I cant stop running

we stopped only to see a water fall right in front of us

we looked right and left there was no way out

I heard twigs snap

fuck there coming

genesis:here take my phone, you need to run away go some place safe , it has everyones number in it


Genesis:but nothing your the only other person jason has in his family and I'm not letting his lose one more, go run

she ran I looked her way until I saw nothing

goog she's safe

I was on the edge of the water fall with no way out

tommy: you gonna regret doing that

he said while getting the dry blood off his noise

before I said anything I was tackled into the water fall , the fall was about 60 feet high

my skin met with water

I was struggling to breathe

I came up , I didn't see tommy so I swam as fast as I could but somthing dragged me down

it was tommy

the water was kind of clear but not clear enough to see the bottom of the water fall

I screamed at the top of my lungs

I was running out of air

but that's when is hit me act dead

I "tried"to him but once I did I was acting dead

I was still holding my breathe

he swam and dragged my body to the rocks

this motherfucker

he was going to give men CPR

this motherfucker swears he's gona do mouth to mouth


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