¤Chapter 17¤

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"So what did Roman want to talk to you about?" Danielle asked as she changed on the other side of the dressing room.

Eleanor rolled her eyes even though Danielle couldn't see her. "He was telling me I had to be back at around 18:30." She announced. "That means no clubbing."

"That sucks. I was really looking forward to tonight." She opened the door.

"Me too." Eleanor huffed.

"Anyway how does this dress look on me?" She asked him.

"Perfect." She grinned. "Ok c'mon lets go pay."

"Hold up I need to change first." She laughed going back inside.

"Ugh would you hurry up." She groaned. "I really want Taco Bell."

"Ok sheesh, ever heard of patience is a virtue?"

"Virtue my behind." Eleanor sneered. "I've had patience for the last hour." She exclaimed.

Danielle stepped out the small room. "I'm done, happy?"

"Barely." She rolled her eyes.

The two paid for everything they choose and went to the food court. Once they were done with all their food Eleanor dragged Danielle back to the house. They're was certainly not enough time for them to go to the beach. Plus Eleanor was tired and suggested that they rather soak in the hot tub outside. Reluctantly Danielle had agreed once Eleanor had reasoned with her.

When they had gotten back they heard a bunch of talking coming from the living room.

"It's probably Roman and Gabriel." Danielle shrugged.

"I don't think they're the only ones in there." She stated walking towards it.

"Can we please go change before you change you mind...again." She exclaimed. "I really want the hot tub." She whined stomping her feet childishly.

"Ok." She gave in. "Don't need to be such a big baby about it." She rolled her eyes.

"Would you stop with your sassy remarks?" Danielle led the way.

"I could if you weren't such a baby about everything." She grumbled.

They both went upstairs and ramage through the shopping bags trying to figure out which one had their bikinis. Once they had found them they stripped and put them on. Eleanor wore a pair of sweatpants leaving the bikini top on its own.

"Why won't you wear shorts?" Danielle whined.

"Do you know how many times you whine in a day?" She asked her as she put her hands in her pockets.

"Do you know how many times you give out sassy remarks in a day?" She asked following behind her.

"Touché." She murmured glancing at her.

"You know you look so weird wearing sweat pants but no shoes on."

"Do you want me to put on shoes after I've been walking around the mall in heels?" She asked.

"You could've worn flip flops." Danielle smiled sheepishly.

She rolled her eyes as she walked ahead. "Was it something I said?" Danielle called out trying to keep up with her.

"No..." She said sarcastically.

"You know when I met you, you seemed so nice and sweet but now..." She trailed off.

Turning around she placed her hands on her hips with an arched brow. "Exactly what is that supposed to mean?"

"You are such a bitčh, a very sassy one might I add." She laughed.

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