Harry Knows

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Hermione woke before Draco. She woke happy because for a moment she forgot they were in a hospital bed and she snuggled closer to him.

It was then she felt how cold he was. Oh my god. He nearly died last night.

She fought that treacherous sob that was threatening to bubble up tooth and nail. She wouldn't dare wake him. He needed to sleep so he could heal. And he had so much healing to do. She stealthily shifted out of the bed, but very nearly tripped on the fabric which was precariously draped over her body. Someone must have seen her and covered her up. Who would do that? Merlin bless them, whoever they were.

She pulled the covers over Draco to keep him warm and lightly pushed his fringe out of his eyes. With one final smile at her sleeping boyfriend, she turned to leave the Infirmary.

When she arrived back in the Common Room she found it empty. It was early and everyone else was probably still asleep. As she tip-toed up the stairs to her dorm, she was stopped by a rough, male cough.


He was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace with the Marauder's Map in his lap. Hermione was too angry at him to engage. She knew he must have seen her with Draco. She didn't care anymore.

"You were in the Infirmary."

She nodded, her expression blank.

"You were with Malfoy."

She shrugged.


"I don't have to explain myself to you." She turned to go, but he jumped up and stopped her, his hand on her elbow. Hermione's eyes widened, she looked ready to kill as she shoved him away from her.

"You want to do this now?" she demanded.

"I think we should."

"You got it." She cast a Muffliato so they couldn't be heard. She would probably yell at him.

"You were with Malfoy," Harry repeated.

"You nearly killed him."

"And I am sincerely sorry for that. If he is ever able to be in the same room as me without wanting to Avada me on the spot, I will tell him so myself." Harry spoke slowly, needing to convey his sincerity. "I had no idea what that spell would do."

"Am I an idiot, Harry?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Am. I. A. Fucking. Idiot?" She spoke low and dangerous.

Harry shook his head. "No."

"And have you ever known me to pity idiocy or make allowances for it?"

He sighed. "No."

"Then it should come as no surprise to you that your ignorance is no excuse to me. I can't even...it's beyond thick to use a spell not knowing what it will do!"

"I'm not denying that! I know it was stupid. It just...sort of...came out. If I could take it back, I would. I really, really would. Look...Hermione, I can't stand Malfoy. At all. And I have irrefutable proof that he's a Death Eater." Hermione rolled her eyes and huffed, but Harry wouldn't be interrupted. "But...I never wanted to kill him. What I can't wrap my head around is why you care so much."

"Let's chalk it up as sympathy for my fellow man."

"That doesn't explain why you spent the whole afternoon crying yesterday." Harry narrowed his eyes. "What were you doing in the Infirmary? You were there all night."

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