We Were Best Friends CH: 02

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Irene&Tzuyu : "Okay bye c'ya!

Y/N : "Bye..bye.."

Time passes by as you fix your things..

You were done fixing your things..and  when you turn back you see
Jungkook (Your EX) talking to a girl..

Y/N : "Ju-Jungkook?!" You say to your self

Jungkook : "Y/N-ah How are you?"😊

Y/N : "I-Im fine.." You started walking away fastly

You peek a little at your back and see Jungkook following you..

Y/N : "Yah!  Stop following me!!"

Jungkook : "Stop and let's talk first..

You started running..

Jungkook : "Y/N stop!! What's wrong with you?!"

Y/N : "Nothing!!.. Just stop following me sh*thead!"

Jungkook : "Yah!! Y/N Stop!!"

You sigh and look at him while walking backwards..

Jungkook : "Finally you stopped!"

Y/N : Yah! So What the hell do you want?!"

Jungkook : "I want.."

He started walking fast..

You turn back to run.. but before that you suddenly fell on top of someone..

Y/N : "Ahh!!" You look at his eyes shocked

??? :  Oh..I-Im sorry miss!" He says shyly while looking at your lips..

I-Im sorry miss!" He says shyly while looking at your lips

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You turn back to see Jungkook
(still on the floor).. but he wasn't there
Because some kind of girl wanted to talked to him..

??? : "Uhmm..M-miss?"

Y/N : "Mhm?"

You suddenly realize the position you were in...

Y/N : "Oh So-sorry.." You said while quickly getting up, removing the dust that was in your clothes, and getting the things you had fallen

He also gets up dusting off his clothes..

??? : "Ah.. Im so sorry miss!!"

Y/N : "Ah..i-its ok.."

You were cursing at yourself in you mind..

Taehyung : "Oh um.. I'm
T-Taehyung..Kim Taehyung.."

He reaches his hand for you to shake..

Y/N : "And uhmm..Y-Y/N The Name is
Y/N.. Y-Y/F/N"😁 (Y/F/N - Your full name)

Y/N : "Uhmm..Ar-are you the new student here?"

Taehyung : "Y-yes why?!"

Y/N : "No-Nothing.."

You were lost in your mind thinking of what Irene told you..

Taehyung : "Uhmm..Miss? I mean

Y/N : ".... Uhh.. Y-yes?!"

Taehyung : "I'm sorry to ask but where is this class?"

He hands over his Schedule to you..

Y/N : "Oh..Uhmm.. Wait..You're in the same class as me.."

Taehyung : "Y-yeah? Jinja?!"

Y/N : "Yes..Uhmm Come follow me.."

You and Taehyung were going to class
Then suddenly the thought of what happened earlier came to your mind..
So you blushed😳😳

Taehyung : "Y- Y/N?!"

You snapped out of what you were thinking..

Y/N : "Mmm..Yes?!"

Taehyung : "Do you have any uhmm..Y-You know..B-Boyfriend?!"

You were shook by his words..wondering why he asked you that question..

Y/N : "Uh..N-No why?"

Taehyung : "...."

To Be continued...

We Were Best Friends [ BTS Taehyung ] FFWhere stories live. Discover now