We Were Best Friends CH : 13

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(1/3) CH - 13

     As your heels made ticking noises you could hear Irene catching up with your fast walk..

         You looked half way back and took her hand..'Lets go already, I need to..go home' You said completely ignoring all the questions she's been asking..

The car was out the valet parking as you went inside quietly..

Irene : What's Wrong?

You answered with complete silence..
She started the car and drove away..She only asked up to 7 questions since she saw my tear fell and mood change..

Her last question was 'Or you on your period' I thought that she was trying to make me change the atmosphere but I just looked at her with tears and Smile trying to hide my pain and sadness..I shook my head at her..

Jungkookie~ah was I not enough for you?

Why did you cheat on me?

Do you really love me? Did you even once loved me?

Did you lie about hanging with your friends these days just to see her?


A train of thoughts danced around my head as I look on the window seeing couples celebrating Valentines Day..Yes our Anniversary was exactly at Valentine's day.. I remembered that every year on valentines day..Jungkook and I would always fight on a good way on who's going to cook on Break Fast, Lunch and Dinner volunteering ourselves..

    And sometimes we would end up just eating out..I wiped my tears on the thought..


Day's after my witness..


On our school day's I tend to ignore some people .. Whenever I see Jungkook I would feel like needing a hug from him ..

       I was walking around the hall, just walking with my hands on my sweater, pocket looking down and passing through the Janitor's Room..When I was pulled out of blue..

??? : What happened?

Your eyes lit from the scent you smell and the person infront of you now..

Jungkook : What? Please answer me..You have been ignoring my texts and calls.. Are you okay? Sick?

He firmly held both of your shoulders and looked at you straightly..

You : Kook-- Jungkook~ah I think we should end this realation ship between us..

You said stuttering throughout your words, shaking and tearing up..

Jungkook W-Why? What happened to you? W....What happened to us ?

He said loosing the grip from your shoulders, making its way to your hands..

You : I don't know either Jungkook..

You : You..Ask yourself.. Why did you lie to me that you love me? That you'd never hurt me..? That you'll..

You sniffed as tears flowed down..

You : That you'll.. Only love me..

Your voice got low to high by each words..

Jungkook : Wh-What?...

He asked but with a nervous feeling within his voice..

You tried looking at him from the ground, Teared up..

You : See! You can't even answer me..!
Who was the girl you were making out with on the stall?

Jungkook kept his silent attitude on..
A tear dropped from his eye to the ground..

  You looked at him ..

You : Let's just end this here.. You don't love me and I don't love you..

I slipped off his hands from mine and went out..

There were people crouding the door as if they were eaves dropping .. They were..

It was still lunch time so you went out to calm yourself..

It was all alright when you turned around and saw the girl whom was kissing Jungkook that night, Trying to calm him down from crying..

A tear fell from your eye..
Seconds later you broke down crying  with silent sobs..

》 ~ Present ~ 《

You : Aahaa! I got you!

Jungkook just laughed.. 'Alright...Yes you got me' he said

Jungkook's POV

I totally miss the Y/N I have been in a relationship before..She was sweet, childish, loving..but know it was different.. It wasn't me who she loves.. Well what can I do? You can't force love.. ( ATHR : Get a baloon, Scratch it up in you hair, Place it to the person you love - It will attract them.. okay im sorry )

I mean, It's my fault I let her go..It hurts just by thinking of it..even sligh-
tly thinking of it..

Irene : Yah! Guyss Come here! It's dinner time kiddos!! Come before Jin eats all of them!! -- OMG NO HE'S EATING ME!!

You just tugged Jungkook's shoulders and just went inside..Jungkook was heading in first ( good distance between the both of us.. ) When someone popped up in your face..

Taehyung : Jagiyaa~~ Where did you go?

You : ...I just made up my problems with Kook--Jungkook, We're fine now..

Taehyung : Aahh~ Ne..

You sighed deeply having second thoughts about doing this..

You : Oppaa~~ Nothing's between us..Don't be jelly I love you and only you..

You said, Then planted a kiss on his cheek

He was obviously smiling..He just took your hand and pecked your cheeks too..

Taehyung : I needed that!

He whispered



___ ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~___
(guyssss please comment some cute korean kid names example : jaehun, taeji )

Taehyung was beside me eating and Jimin too..

why does jimin always sit beside me like whuuttt..?!

There was Mashed Potatoes, Sausages

~ T o  B e  C o n t i n u e d . . . ~♡

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