Chapter 5: The website

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{Francesca's POV}

I walk into the lounge on Sunday and immediately have about ten kids surrounding me asking me questions.

"Whoa whoa whoa what are you guys talk about?!" I ask.

"THE WEBSITE" they all yell back in unison.

"What website...?"

A girl with curly brown hair steps forward. "Just go on"

"Okay..." I walk back to my room and jump on the computer and type the website in.

Hmm... This is strange it seems to be a blog about BRANDON AND I's LOVE LIFE?! What the heck? Who would even make this?

I start looking through the website and reading some of the articles tittled things like 'Brandon Cheats?!' Or 'Frandon breaks up?!'

Ok neither of those things ever happened! I have to go tell Brandon about this.

I close my laptop and pick it up. I start walking towards his room and when I get inside he isn't there. I go into the boys lounge and see him and his friends playing pool with some girls.

"Brandon can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask.

"Not right now maybe later." he doesn't even looks at me he just keeps talking to the other girls.

"Brandon! I need to talk to you!" Instead of waiting for a response I just pull him away from the girls and towards me.

"Whhaaaatttt....?" Brandon groans.

I open the laptop and show him the website. "Read this."

Brandon's eyes widen. "What website even is this?! I promise you this is all bull crap! I am not cheating!"

"I know I know... But we have to get the website shutdown!" I say.

Brandon runs a hand through his hair "Well how in the world do we do that?"

I bite my lip. "Well I don't know yet..."

"Well call me when you do know." Brandon says while turning back to his pool game.

I sigh and walk back to the girls lounge and sit down on the couch. Brandon seems like he prefers talking to those girls over me...

I suddenly smile and get the perfect idea. If he prefers talking to other girls when I'm around maybe I should talk to other boys when he's around.

I smirk this will really make him jealous and that's exactly what I want to do.


Sorry that this was so short but I'm going to put her doing the plan in the next chapter.

Message me if you have any requests about what should happen.

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