two (ii)

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I have more of an alternative style as opposed to girly, so it's expected I showed up in skinny jeans, a white tank top adorned with a black anchor in the dead center, with a black hoodie, some black ankle boots, a little potion bottle necklace, and a maroon beanie. I'm Egyptian, making my skin kind of caramel or light brown. Zale is a tad darker than I am because he plays sports and we tan easily. Zea on the other hand is super light. We all laugh about it sometimes because we really contrast when we're put together.

Zea is a freshman, me and Zale are juniors. Trust me when I say that Zale is very over protective with my younger sister and I. When Zea was in sixth grade, a girl had made her cry because she told her that her style was ugly, Zale went up to the little girl and gave her a piece of his mind. I remember I couldn't stop laughing. Don't get me wrong, her style was ugly. She even agrees now, too.

Zea rode with dad, like usual. But I had the car to myself because Zale rode with his new group of friends. I pulled up in the school parking lot in our genesis g90. I got a few stares, because I am the new girl and in a nice car. No one really saw our car yesterday because we parked in the back of the parking lot.

When I got out of the car and put my sunglasses on, another car pulled up. My brother stepped out with his friends. I recognized the guy Nick who I bumped into yesterday. I didn't stop and look at the boys who shuffled out of the car, instead I went inside the school building into first period. I finally know where it is now.

"You'll be doing a partner project getting to know your partner. Study their relationships, their actions, how they talk, and their personalities. Be fun and creative about it. Take this as a good experience," Mr. Staley said to the class. He then started giving partners.

"Emma Hadley and Zaliki Tamer."

Emma raised her hand. She was very pretty.

"Hi, I'm Emma," she greeted me with a warm smile.

"Zaliki, it's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, "do you want to start this at your house tonight or mine?"

"We can do it at yours. Just write down your address on this sheet of paper and I'll be there around five. If that works for you of course."

"Yes, that works."

I just finished writing my address down when the bell rang. I said a quick goodbye to her and headed to second period. My second period class is honors world religion studies with Ms. Criss. The class is very chill and all of the students are nice. Ms. Criss is a young teacher so we often do fun activities like debates and other things.

Fourth period lunch finally was here. I couldn't have been more excited because the whale noises my stomach was making was starting to grow a little too loud and more noticeable.

I got a salad, chicken tenders, a cheese stick, potato chips, and a chocolate milk for lunch. I was so hungry that I finished before lunch time ended. Which is surprising, I never get to finish before lunch ends.


Emma arrived at my house exactly at five. Noted, she's punctual.

"Hey," Emma greeted.


I let Emma in. She observed my house, smiling.

"Your house is really nice."

"Thank you," I laughed.

We went up to my room and sat on the bed. We stared at each other and burst out laughing.

We finally sobered up and started talking about things.

"I have a brother," Emma stated, "he's kind of a pig."

"Me too!" I said, laughing. "I have a younger sister, too," I said.

"Her name is Zea. She's a freshman."

"Oh, cool! Can I meet them?" Emma asked me with bright eyes.

"Uh, sure."

I knocked on Zale's door frame, asking if I could enter. He mumbled, "yes."

"I'm doing this project in psychology where we have to get to know our partner," I started. "My partner, Emma, and I were talking about family and she wanted to meet you."

Zale looked up at Emma, smiled and waved.

"Hey," Zale said.

"Hello." Emma grinned.

"Alright, so bye!"

I grabbed Emma's hand and dragged her to Zea's room.

"Zea, someone wants to meet you."

"Okay . . ."

Zea turned around from her desk and saw Emma.

"Oh my gosh, you're so pretty!" Zea said.

"You are too!" said Emma.

"Emma and I are getting to know each other for a project." I informed Zea.

"That's cool," Zea said and got up. She whispered to Emma, quite loudly, "good luck. She's got a lot to her."

I scoffed at her.

"Come on Emma, my sister needs to stop bullying me."

We went back to my room and sat on my bed once again.

"Do you want to spend the night so that we can bond more? I don't know," I said.

She nodded happily and grinned at me. I returned a smile.

We then started to actually work on the project.

"I'm a total sucker for movies. I get completely sucked up in them. I once watched a movie about a girl who had cancer and passed away, and I literally couldn't get out of bed for a week because I was sobbing so hard."

"Me too! My Sister's --"

"Keeper totally speaks to you!" We both said at the same time.

Our mouths were open.

"Okay, but My Girl was absolutely heart wrenching. They were so young and just trying to live their lives happily as best friends!" I said.

"I totally agree." Emma replied.

"So where did you move here from?"

"Missouri. I lived in Kansas City," I replied, sadly.

"I've seen movies based there, it looks pretty cool!"

"Yeah, it was amazing. I miss it already."

Emma gave me a loose hug. "I'm sure you'll love it here in Seattle. Your second day at West Seattle High School was good, right?"

"It was great. I can't wait for tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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