The Unified Clan of the Irish Nati...by roblepk
In the island nation of Toraglia, war is everywhere. The people of Toraglia want unity among the races, but feel it is necessary to unify under specific circumstances. W...
Imminenceby BlazeFlamewing
We all know about the Cold War. A time when humanity was under threat from nuclear obliteration... One that nearly escalated in the light of the Cuban Missile crisis.
Seasons Fleetingby Cryptone
Days are terminal sequences, brief and inevitably lost to the fate of science and time. In this realm, this surface of gravitational limits, we bind ourselves to the mom...
Imminenceby hal davis
A collision. It was unexpected.
When worlds clash, your first instinct is to hold on to everything you love, whatever that may be. Some way, some how, your life can comp...