Chapter 19

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    Aaron POV: 

    "kaylee stop." She was stradling me and trying to kiss me all over my face. I pushed her off and stood up.

"Aaron! Baby. What's wrong?" I looked at her like she was stupid. Was she really asking me this? Ever since Bella slapped me Kaylee has been extra happy. She wants to have sex more but I don't want to. She blames it on the baby hormones.

"Are you really asking me that. Ever since you claim you got pregnant you've wanted to have sex more. You need to stop. Your pregnant." She looked at me like she was confused.

"What? Oh yeah. pregnant. I keep forgetting. These baby hormones. Ha" She looked nervous. I looked at her with suspision before walking over to her and grabbing her wrist.  

"Are you even pregnant Kaylee?" I looked her in her eyes and she looked scared.

"Aaron! Yes. How dare you ask me that?" I let go of her and grabbed my temples. I'm so stressed because I miss Bella so much. She's the only thing on my mind all the time. I regret what I did and I wish I could go back in time to change everything back to the way it was before eveything happened with Cat.

"I'm sorry. I'm just having a hard time with everything that's happened." She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. 

"Your ok baby. What's been going on that has you stressed?"

"Everything that has happened with Bella." She was rubbing my back but she suddenly stopped.

"What? Your thinking about that bitch Aaron? You should be worried about our family." I didn't realize what she said until she said it.  I pulled her arms off of me and looked her in her eyes.

"Don't  you ever say that again Kaylee." She had a blank look on her face and she started to walk off.

"Well it's true Aaron. She's just some black bitch that ruined your life. But think about it. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't be together!" She came over to me and smiled up at me. I felt all my anger build up and I grabbed her.

"No. If it wasn't for you bringing you fake barbie looking ass here Bella and I would still be together." She looked at me with tears welling in her eyes.

"You don't mean that." I looked in her eyes and I could see pain.

"Yes. I do." She pushed away from me and started punching my chest. I just stood there and let her. She needed to know what a bitch she was.


"What are you talking about?" She stopped crying all of a sudden as if it all was just an act from the beginning.

"Nothing. Just go." She stood and pushed me towards the door.

"Weren't you just crying? Is this some sort of game?"  She looked up at me with no emotion in her eyes.

"It is a game. A game you played long enough to get me pregnant and now you stuck with me Aaron." She smiled and me before laughing wickedly.

"Who the hell are you and what are you talking about?" She laughed a while longer before walking around her living room slowly brushing her hand against the furniture as she went.

"You know who I am Aaron." I was confused so I just stood there. "Think hard Aaron. Remember? 10th grade? Your friend Steven raped me and you did nothing about it? YOU SAT AND WATCHED AS HE RAPED . I'M HAVING TO LIVE WITH THAT MEMORY EVERYDAY  OF MY LIFE AARON. YOU COULD HAVE HELPED ME BUT YOU SAT AND WATCHED AND NOW ITS YOUR TURN TO SIT AND WATCH THE PERSON YOU LOVE SUFFER."

She grabbed we stuff and walked out of the door crying.

Does she mean Bella?


"Yeah she bad." Steve and I were at a party for spring break and there was this small blond chick there that was pretty and really quiet.

"Go get her Steve!" He laughed before standing and walking over to her. I watched as they talked for a while before he grabbed her hand and led her inside the house. I wanted to watch my bro get laid so I followed.

"You are so gorgeous girl." Steve told her ans he led her into a room. He turned and winked at me before cracking the door. I looked inside the room as he sat her on the bed.

"Thank you." Her cheeks got red and she was smiling. Steve sat closely next to her. Very close. You could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Is a pretty girl like you still a virgin?" He put his hand up and dress and grabbed her lady. She jumped a little but managed to answer.

"Y-yes. I am." She tried to move his hand away from her vagina but he wouldn't budge.

"Well maybe I can change that." She looked shocked and worried.

"I- I don't know about that." She stood and tried walking to the door but he grabbed her hair and pulled her back. He threw her on the bed and got on top of her.

"NO STOP. PLEASE JUST STOP." She was crying now as Steve slapped her across her face trying  to make her shut up. He pulled her up and threw her on her back and turned her where her head was facing the door.

Her head was hanging off the edge of the bed as she looked through the crack at the door.

She saw me. She was looking me in the eye the whole time.

She was pleading for me to come help her but I couldn't. I mean I could but I couldn't get myself to move. I watched as he trust in and out of her while she screamed in pain and terror.

After a few minutes he pulled out and buckled his pants. She  playing in a ball whimpering as he grabbed her by the hair and started beating her

I could have done something but all I could do was turn away.

"AARON DUDE COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" I just stood  there as he tugged and pushed me. I couldn't stop looking at how helpless she was. I turned and followed him out of the party as she yelled for help.

HEY GUYS! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE CHAPTER! If u would  like me to read any of your books just inbox me and!



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