The new friend?

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    John walked down the hallway and kept his cool, just like he always did, just like he always does, just like he always will. Hide your emotions, he always told himself.
Be a man.
   He held his head high, fixed his hair into a swoop and approached his locker.
Oh boy. Not Sarah!...

"H-hey there, John,"

she twirled her hair and looked down.

"About that break-up-"

"I don't want to hear anything more about it Sarah. I said it wasn't a happy relationship, and I wasn't kidding. We're through."

"Oh. Okay."

    Sherlock a high school life was a living hell for him, everyday he would skip classes to get away from people who said bad things towards him.
Sherlock held a book close to him as anyone who went near him he would glaze away as they looked down on him, everyone In school knew the teenager as a psychopath,
or a asshole.
    He was both sherlock looked around and looked at John and looked down before mumbling something and moving beside him and opening his locker quietly and looked at John a small smile Smile on his ashy pale lips as he muttered a soft quite


     John had never heard Sherlock speak a word before.
    Wasn't he the kid who always stuck his nose in a book..?
Oh well.

"Hey, then,"

     John said without really thinking. Only pay attention to the people who matter... right?
     John snuck a look at the kid. His eyes were a veil. He could see a shield that separated his emotions from himself. Fascinating, must be one of those sociopaths.
John always found feelings amusing. Why did you need them if people liked you better without them?

     Sherlock looked down not responding before changing the book he held for the next class and looked up at him, glancing over at Sarah and hummed softly before looking back down and gathering the books he needed for his next class and shut his locked and looked at John no emotion showed in his face. Sherlock only mumbled something before walking away, Anderson shuddered and looked at John before elbowing him a smirk on his face

"creepy huh.."

   Anderson sneered as the others around him laughed and nodded in Agreement sherlock just sighed and went to his next class and avoided eye contact with anyone that was in the class before the passing period ended.  Anderson looked at John and a small smirk plastered on his face

   John smirked on the outside but internally he knew he was rolling his eyes.
These people had no right to make fun of him, but he didn't want to ruin his reputation so we continue to follow their lead.


    He was susceptible to suggestion, but he didn't want to loose his friends. They had been together since primary school!
He couldn't loose them now.

    Sherlock sat in the desk reading a book a small smile on his face over the book and chuckled softly as he read the book.

    Anderson smirked a grin on his face as he laughed and walked to class with the other teenagers a smirk on his face when Anderson walked into the classroom and smirked nudging John before walking over to Sherlock taking the book in his hands lifting it above Sherlock so the smaller teenager couldn't reach it.
As Sherlock looked up glaring at Anderson before looking back down and asked quietly for his book back, Anderson looked at John for what He should do, Greg was laughing over the matter with Sherlock.

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