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A picture of Six that I drew!! It's teen Six, and there is a little gnome on her head holding scissors to celebrate victory for chopping most of her bangs off. Now you can see her pretty silver eyes!

The shoes seemed to start rumbling behind the both of you. You both started to run in the giant pile of shoes, which wasn't that fast, and jumped on another suitcase that was about ten feet away from the last one. Once you both got on their, the rumbling seemed to have stopped.

"Whew! Glad that thing is gone," you say, Six then glares at you from the side.

"It's not gone, that thing, whatever it was, its still waiting for us to jump off of safety," she says coldly, and more or less serious. Another new thing you learned about your now 'friend', she can only stay nice and sweet for so long until she goes back into her average attitude. But like she said to you, you like her better that way,"so if we are going to jump to the next case, we gotta go fast."

You exhaled, bracing yourself for the next jump and slow walking to victory, you grabbed Six's hand and ran forward. She didn't mind you holding her hand, do you know how many times you two have already done it? The two of you hurried toward the next suitcase while the shoe-monster chased you both, and you both barely made it.

You panted hard, running through a giant pile of shoes is not as easy as it looks. Six patted your back with a small smile," y'know we have one more to go?"

You gave her the bird and she giggled. She tugged on your sleeve and dragged you to the last case, and onto a safe platform away from the strange shoe thingymabob. You both walked into the next dark room, it was the room that Six was trapped by the Janitor.
Everywhere you two went, it seemed as if you go through a constant circle. You went through the hallway Six got hungry in just for the Janitor to land behind you from out of nowhere.

You screamed like a girl [If you are playing as a girl, you scream how you normally do] and Six slams her hand over your mouth, but quickly grabbs your sleeve and dragged the both of you away.

The Janitor follows you both back into the elevator, where you slipped in that same hidding spot you did the last time, in a hugging position. The Janitors hands traveled the boxes over yours and on the walls, looking for you. Holy Moley, you where more scared than a Jerry the mouse running into Tom the cat.

Once the elevator stopped, little gnome babies come out of no where and run out the elevator doors, distracting the long armed man. After a moment, knowing the Janitor had chased far after the 'babies', you both ran through the elevator doors.

The room was dimly light, there was a box full of baby-blocks, and again, a toy monkey. Six ran straight for the monkey, while you just admired the blocks. You didn't know why, but toys and babies just seemed to satisfy you, little did you know that you actually want to become a parent yourself.

You realized that you felt a little more in the floorboards. You move from your spot and look down to see that the floorboard you where standing on was loose, and the box was holding it in place.

"Hey Six," you whispered," look at this."

She walked to you and saw the loose board, she then moved the box and fell through the loose floorboard, you followed behind her.

Now you where both under the floor, and continued forward. You could hear the Janitors footsteps while you both slowly walked underground. You where walking while Six kept you close by, to make sure you don't do anything stupid.

Then she saw a board like ladder that led back on the floor you both stood underneath. You both climbed up, the Janitor wasn't in the room yet, which was good. And out of the blue, Six throughs the toy monkey on the other side of the room, making lots of noise.

She quickly grabbed your hand while quietly pulling you to the next room. The toy monkey had the Janitors attention. She then found another toy monkey and threw it to the other side of the room [All of deez MONKEYS!] and guides you to a tall set of drawers and you start to climb up.

Once you got to the top and entered a vent, you both took a moment to breath.

"Is he ever going to be done chasing us?" you whisper and she shrugs.

"C'mon Y/N, we made it this far and we are not stopping now," she said continuing through the vent, you follow behind her.

Word count: 870
A/N: alright, I will like to give a quick shout-out to the first person who commented on this story, Author-chan16. Really nice person, and thanks 2 u all reading 2nite!
Luv 2 u all!!

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