Chapter 2

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I sat in a chair waiting for students. Severus was sitting in his desk.

I couldn't wait for the students to come in! I would remember what page to use and then in my office, and make the potion then.

"Today, you will copy down the ingredients and instructing of making Veritaserum," Severus said in a cold, disliking tone that I did not ever hear when he was around me or especially talking to me.

"Who can tell me what Veritaserum is?" Severus asked. He nodded to me. A girl with bushy brown hair held her hand high up.

"Yes, Miss...?"

"Granger, Professor. Hermione Granger. And Veritaserum is a powerful truth potion. A few sips will make a person tell the truth and only the correct truth," the girl replied, who was named Hermione Granger.

"Yes, Miss Granger. 10 points to.. Griffindor," I exclaimed brightly as I remembered seeing this girl at the breakfast table. I glanced at Severus. Was I doing a good job?

However, Severus turned his disliking expression towards me, which sent shivers down my spine and made me feel hurt. Why was he glaring?

Hermione glanced at them and I expect some students noticed the tension. Severus noticed them, too. He blinked, as if sending a virtual apology towards me.

I nodded and he announced, "Go ahead and turned to page 284 and copy down the potion."

All Severus and I heard were quills scratching the paper and some kids groaning and fixing their mistakes.

After an hour, Severus announced, "Time's up. Hand in your parchment. For homework, you will write another essay about Veritaserum with it's advantages and disadvantages." He sat down in his desk, so the students started filing out.

"What was that all about?" I hissed to Severus after all the students had gone.

"What do you mean?" Severus said in that same cold voice. Just stop using that voice on me, sir! It's rude and you're being an ass!

"I mean why did you give me that nasty look after I awarded Griffindor 10 points? I thought you were going to encourage me!" I snapped.

Severus gazed at me coldly, which made my eyes turn watery. I blinked away tears. "For your information, (Y/N)," he started, "I did not give you a nasty look. And I am not here to encourage new teachers." I broke into tears.

"How could you say that, you- you-" Severus suddenly looked regretful, but as he stood up, I pelted to my own office.

I can't believe I still have more lessons with this damn-

"(Y/N), you still have to plan lessons with me," Severus said softly. His cold tone melted away. Great. Now I know he just doesn't like the students. But, still...


I couldn't stand being behind a door when the love of my life was cowering behind it. I opened it and took Severus's hands.

"You can be very manipulative, Snivellus," I said, chuckling when I remembered Severus hated me calling him that. When he gave me an annoyed look, I sighed.

"Oh, alright, Severus. Let's go." I smiled warmly and affectionately. How could I be so weak and give in that easily? Now my anger was pointed directly at myself.

Severus returned the smile, though it was very weak. We planned out the next lessons until the end of the day, when more students came.

After all the classes, Severus had me stay in the classroom for a while. I dunno why; I suppose just to talk.

"Would you fancy a butterbeer?" He offered.

I grinned. "I would; Thank you, Severus." Severus smiled for a fraction of a second. He poured the drink and handed it to me.

We toasted for potions. I laughed and drank all my butterbeer half-way through the night. I really need to get to bed.

"Professor Moody sounds a bit dangerous, but cool," I said. "He isn't dangerous," Severus stated flatly. "I mean, he can be, but not naturally."

"I suppose. I haven't spoken to him yet," I admitted. "I guess I got a little spooked with that eye of his." I beamed.

"It can get scary. But I'm used to it," Severus replied, setting down his cup.

"How?" I asked curiously. Was he hiding something from me? No, probably not. Unless he was hiding that he was secretly in love with me and one day we'll get married. I sighed inwardly. When would that even happen?

"Oh, nothing. I've, er, seen him around at times. Of course that eye spooked me at first. It took a while to get used to it," Severus answered. He then looked at his watch.

"It must be late. Should I...?" I asked. Severus opened his mouth and hid the watch.

"Only if you want. We could stay and discuss more about potions..." He looked pretty hopeful, unless I'm imagining it.

I was tempted to say yes. But I had to get the Veritaserum. Reluctantly, I said, "I am, er, actually quite tired.. Good night, Severus." I didn't add love you again. Yay!

Severus's eyes landed on my open pocket before he replied. I blushed when he glanced back up, met my eyes, and said, "Have a good sleep, (Y/N). You deserve it."

I smiled and waved before I went into my office. I glanced at my pocket to see that the word "Veritaserum" was clear. Severus couldn't possibly see it... Could he?

I blushed, not knowing what Severus would do if he found out I was trying to see if he loved me or not. Maybe he would confess?

"I have to use Veritaserum," I said aloud firmly. "I need to know..." I shrugged to myself. Perhaps he'll accept me.

When I yawned, I realized I was really tired. I went to bed to get ready for tomorrow. I knew the potion had to be made during a specific time, so I would definitely have trouble.

I fell asleep a few minutes after closing my eyes.

I had a dream Severus figured out about me making Veritaserum. He made Dumbledore force me to leave Hogwarts and I died alone in an attic. Wow, such a harsh dream!

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