Chapter 1

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Jaimie's POV

"What?! UCLA wants me?" I asked my counselor.

"They want you ASAP, I know next year your supposed to be a junior, but since they want you know the best thing I thing is to take it. Think about it; it's a full four year scholarship majoring what you love which is art and you can minor in something else that you love, writing. Think about it, I have called your parents for a meeting with this afternoon."

Doing what I love not paying for college; that would help parents, but do I really want to be that far away from my family?

"So what happened what did you do?" Harley questioned me.

"We have been best friends for so long, and you think I got in trouble?" I said chuckling.

"Hey! I don't know maybe you got really pissed and said something, but what happened?"

"College, that's what happened!" I shouted.

"What do you mean college?"

"UCLA have seen my artwork and they want me." I explained.

"Jaimie! That's amazing, at least now you can stop stressing about after school."

I kept thinking about everything, why would they really want me. I am just an average girl who is just doing what she loves to express how she feeling everyday of my life. I explained to her what my counselor had told me.

"That's still amazing! Your artwork is amazing it should get noticed! But why are you freaking out? You get to move to California! Your also a big youtuber in a small town who could be a big youtuber in a big city and collab with other youtubers like you." She exclaimed.

"My parents can't just move across America! What if they just consider me just moving there? You know I can't go without my mom!"

"What's your point? Oh, yeah, Jaimie this is about your grandma, isn't it? You'll be fine, that won't happen again." She said trying to comfort me.

"You can't make sure of that" I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Can we drop this until after school at my house?"

Jaimie's Parents POV

"I'm sorry I called you both in unexpected, but your daughter has been offered with an amazing opportunity."

(M= Mom D= Dad)

M: Oh my gosh! A full four year scholarship to UCLA!?

D: In art? How can you major in art? You can't get a job as an artist.

M: Next year?!

D: We can't move!

M: "Of course she will take it! But we can't just get up and move. My husband has a steady, good paying job."

"Well, they did want an answer ASAP."

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