Chapter 2

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Jake Paul's POV

"If anybody wants to go through the Team 10 submissions with me get your butts in the office!" I yelled.

The Martinez twins, Tessa, Anthony, Chance, Nick and Kade came into the office. We went through what felt like hundreds. but only 30 submissions until we got to a girl who is like the female AJ Mittichell.

"Hi, Team 10, Jake Paul, or whoever is watching this. I didn't know really how to do this, but I thought I should introduce myself for who I am now because I have changed since my older videos. My name is Jaimie and I am 16, I'm in the ending of my sophomore year. 5 facts about me are:

1. I love to sing a lot (obviously since my channel is based on it)

2. I love to do anything with art.

3. I play violin,piano, and a bit of guitar

4. I have a rad sense of humor

5. I am afraid of the future (personal)

Here are a few videos that I thought would be good for you to watch, but I am guessing your going to chose what to watch. Well, thanks for taking time out of your day to watch this. And if I am not chosen, it's the thought that counts right?"

"I like her already!" Kade expressed.

"Yeah, she's the first person to have introduced herself through a personal video. She must be really good if she has close to one million subscribers. Where is she from again?" Nick said.

"She didn't say," I said. "Oh, wait there is another clip."

"Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm from Indiana, and I am tired of singing to corn stocks."

"Haha! She has to be a member." said the Martinez twins in unison.

After all of us binge watching her videos we got to a serious one. It was titled "Loosing a Loved One."

"Uh, hey lovelies. This isn't the usual type of video I normally make, but sadly this is to explain the lack of uploads lately. This video is going to be unedited so just... uh... beware of the screaming and crying. I never thought it would ever happen to me so soon, but it did. I have lost the best woman I have ever known, my Nanny. **cries** worst part is my parents and I weren't in town and my pops was at work. Since I stated I never thought I would have to make this video, her death was very unexpected. It has a big impact on my mom and I. **screams** I am not making this for the views or attention. I am making this for the people who have been here and will be here in my position. Maybe it will get better, but right now my life freaking sucks and to those haters you won't be laughing when this happens to you. So please, nobody give me sympathy. I've gotten enough. **screams** I am known to be a strong person through anything, but I don't know anymore. **cries** Well, I am just going to end this. Goodbye."

"Wow. Now we know why she is afraid of the future." Chance said.

"I don't know about you, but I think we have found the newest member of Team 10." I said.

"Agreed." they all said in unison.

"Okay, Nick please email her the good news." I said.

Author's Note:

Hey it's Jocelyn! I will be uploading new chapters to this once a week. I left out Team 10 in the characters because that would be too much work on a page that isn't really a chapter. But if you don't know about Team 10 totally check out their channel #alwaysplug. Don't worry Why Don't We will be in the chapters soon!!  There will be a chance to be in this story that you could friends with or be in a relationship with anybody, besides Jack since he is one of the main characters. But I will let you know when that will happen. SO THANKS FOR READING! Oh and if there are any mistakes let me know and I fix it.

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