Chapter 3

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Jack Avery's POV

"Thanks guys! Your the best, this show has been amazing!" I said.

We walk off stage and all the screaming girls scream louder, so Jonah walks back on stage and does a cheesy smile to the screaming girls. The curtain closes and we hurry to the bus and wait for Logan.

"What's wrong, Jack?" Daniel asks.

"He's just in his feelings like always." Zach said.

"Oh, shut up Zach!" I shouted.

Daniel taps on my shoulder and point to the back of the bus.

"Bro, what's wrong? There's something up with you."

"I don't know. It's just, I think Corbyn found his girl. I don't  know, maybe I also want someone, but Mel has started to contact me again. I don't know what to do."

"Mel?! Mel is big trouble Jack. Remember what she did. That's unforgettable."

"Yes, it's unforgettable, but she loves me Daniel." I yelled.

"she doesn't love you Jack. Trust me what she claims is love is pure crazy. Have you ever thought she didn't want to get back together until this band and you moved to California."

He had a point, she wanted nothing to do with me when I broke up with her.

"Maybe the girl of your dreams will walk right on the bus now."

"Wass up my bois!" Logan yells.

"The girl of my dreams is Logan?" I chuckled.

I appreciate Daniel's help, but girls just seem to always like my looks and especially my hair never who I am on the inside, but I normally don't just like a girl at first sight; it takes awhile because I need to see her inner beauty.

Maybe love is not for me I might just have to get over the fact there might not be a soulmate for me out there in the world.

"Jack, my boi. What's with the frown?" Logan asked while vlogging.

I look at the vlog camera and say, "I just missed you man."

"He is lying Logan, he wants a girlfriend." Zach said.

"Zach, please just shut it. Jack just doesn't feel good now leave him be." Daniel said.

Daniel is always the subtle one in the group. Maybe that is part of the reason why I hang out with more than the others.

"You boys want to come to my house tomorrow to hang out with Kong?" Logan asked.

We all said yes, I guess I can't be sad that I can't find a lover.

Nick Crompton's POV

Dear Jaimie Alexandria,

I am writing you this to inform you that we, Team 10, have looked through your video you sent us and read your email, we are happy to inform you that you have have been signed to Team 10. Please text Jake at this number to contact him, but please do not give his number out to fans.

Jake's Number: 323-498-2110

We also would like to fly you out to be formally introduced to the rest of the members of Team 10.Congratulations, Jaimie!


Nick Crompton

Author's Note

Sorry I haven't updated in weeks. I have been really busy lately, but this week there will be another update!

QOTD: How do you feel about Jack thinking he is unlovable?

SOTD: Why Don't We Just- Why Don't We

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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