Chapter 4

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// I hope you all like it so far! My twitter is @harrysfiesta if anyone was wondering. But I doubt anyone really reads this. If you do, thank you:) //


It's period six now, I'm starving and can't stop thinking about Cassie. I honestly have no idea why, I mean I don't like her like that. I just like her as a close friend and that's all, nothing more and nothing less.

So far I've made a lot of friends though. I guess people just really like me, or it's my accent or something. Whatever it is, it's working and I'm pretty 'popular' already.

I don't really like many people though, everyone's just fucking annoying. The people in this school are especially annoying. Their annoying high pitched voices and the guys thinking they're as cool as shit. Don't get me wrong, I do not miss Cheshire; the people there I just need to forget about. I just don't love it here.

The bell for seventh period lunch rings, finally. I gather my books and I feel a cold hand on my back. I whip around to be met with this small, petite face, with pretty brown eyes and brown hair that flows almost perfectly.

"Hi," she manages to squeak out. "I'm Kenzie."

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you," I reply and smile. I'd really love to talk to her, but I'm starving and I want to see if Cassie's in my lunch.

"How do you like it here so far?" She asks. I can tell she's nervous because she keeps fiddling around with her fingers and switching her weight back and forth between both feet. She has nothing to be nervous about, I'm nothing important.

"Yeah, it's great and all. Look, I'm really hungry and I think I'm meeting up with my friend at lunch, so I can't talk now. I'm really sorry I'm no-"

She laughs softly and says, "It's really okay! I'm going to lunch too anyway, so we could both meet up with him?" She starts for the door.

I follow her into the hallway, "Oh great, and it's 'her' by the way." I rub the back of my neck, something I usually do when I'm stressed I've noticed.

We stop at her locker, right outside the cafeteria and I pull my phone out to text Cassie. Shit, I didn't get her number, I really have to.

"Oh, what's her name? I probably know her." She grabs her lunch and we make our way into the cafeteria. It's huge, there's almost three parts to it; nothing like the ones in my old school. It's extremely loud and crowded also, something I don't like.

"Cassie... Cassie Star," I reply and sit down at a table with Kenzie.

"Cassie...." She ponders. "Blonde hair?"

"Yes," I say and run my hands through my hair and sigh.

Kenzie's facial expression changes and she says, "She's not the type I'd imagine you hanging out with." I notice her roll her eyes and bite her lip, like she's hiding something. What would she be hiding? Is she friends with Cassie? She might be; I haven't seen Cassie hang out with anyone so I don't know.

"Oh," is all I say. I'm kind of annoyed now. One - because I wish Cassie was in this lunch and two - because Kenzie's just annoying the shit out of me.

"Are you gonna like stop being friends with her?"

Why the fuck would she ask me this? Is she one of the people that torment Cassie? There's so many questions I have that I don't know any of the answers to. I make a mental note to ask Cassie about all of this.

"No, I'm not going to stop being friends with her. Who the fuck do you think who are?" My voice rises and Kenzie's eyes grow wide. I stand up from the table and walk out.

I hear her calling my name in her annoying voice, but I just ignore it.

I've lost my appetite too, so I just walk around the school; half looking for Cassie and half trying to cool off. I get pissed so fucking easily. Fucking Kenzie.

I walk by the bathrooms and inside the women's room and hear muffled sobs. I peak my head inside to see who it is.

Crumpled against the corner of the wall sobbing, is Cassie.

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