Chapter 7

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A/N This is a letter, just in case you didn't realize :)

Dear Tyler,

I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I can't be the person that you need, I'm sorry that I've been such a mess lately, I'm sorry for kissing you back last night and I'm sorry for leaving out of nowhere.

I've had feelings for you for a while now but I never thought anything would actually happen and when you kissed me I realized that this is never going to work. You live here in America while I live in Australia and then there's the age difference... no one would accept us.

I know that this is so stupid but I just need a break from everything. I'm going back to Australia and for three months I'm only going to focus on my family, friends and most importantly myself. I'm not going to make videos or anything for three months and to be honest I have no idea what I'm going to do after that! I think I want to move to America, I want to keep making Youtube videos but I also want to concentrate on singing and acting so I basically have no idea what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life and for now that's totally fine, at least I've got a while to figure it out.

As for our relationship I just want you to be happy. I don't care if it hurts me in the process because whatever we do, I'm going to end up hurt. Even if we both like each other it's not going to work out because as I said, no one will accept us. My family might because everyone's seen just how much they ship 'Troyler' but your family probably won't be the same. Although a lot of our fans ship troyler, there are bound to be some that don't. 

But if you don't find someone else then that's fine too because you don't need someone else to make you happy, you can be happy by yourself and in the end, life isn't about love and heartbreak, it's about being happy and living life to the fullest. (ugh I'm so cheesy)

By now I'm probably on my flight to Australia and I don't even know when/if I'm going to speak to you again but I'm sorry for just disappearing and I really hope you did have feelings for me too...

Troye Sivan ♡


Ok so this is so short but I'll be updating very soon bc I just didn't wanna cram it all into 1 chapter and there will be more troyler I promise but I didn't wanna just make it so that they kiss, fall in love, come out and everything works out because that's boring and predictable so yeah ok im done bye

Troyler 5ever (Troye Sivan + Tyler Oakley)Where stories live. Discover now