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okay, so i reread everything from chapter 20 and up. do not read chapters 20-30 again. you will cry and then die.  

basically, harry and mia had a daughter , Adeline Rose. Mia's mom dies in a meth lab explosion. her dad disowns her because she gets pregnant.

so they have adeline and she passed away at two months old due to SIDS. (sad i know. don't put yourself through the pain of rereading.) they both thought it was their fault because she was born premature and had to wake her every two hours. the doctor cleared them though so they stopped doing it. and the one night they didn't wake her, she suddenly died. harry came home drunk and basically was a bitch and told mia it was her fault. they fought , she got a job at the bakery and she took harry back slowly after going off on him several times.

they are fine together and then they go to new york for business and then come back and yeah. now we are at this point.

so, yeah. and harry proposed to mia when adeline was 1 month old and they are still engaged to be married ... (soon). we need closure, right?

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