Chapter 13

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING. OMG!! And VOTING and COMMENTING.  And FOLLOWING. you guys are my loves. And sorry for not updating. I've been trying to get my grades up and keep my family and friends entertained.

It's been about two weeks since Harry and I had seen each other. He texted me a couple times, but I didn't text back. I missed him, but I didn't miss him enough to constantly be belittled.

I'd asked my dad's girlfriend if she'd known Harry and she said she knew him very well, but she didn't want to talk more about it. They definitely had a connection in the past, and I don't know what the big deal is. Why wouldn't they tell me?

As the days flew by, I thought about him more and more. But I knew I couldn't let myself fall in to the trap. He said himself he wanted someone older and more experienced. That's probably what he has now, considering the fact he hasn't spoke to me at all this week. It bothered me , yeah and my emotions came in to play but, I just tried to distract myself from him.

So, I've been doing school work. But, today is different. I decided that I may as well accept Logan's invitation to come over to his house.

I got dressed and borrowed my dad's car to drive there. Once I pulled in the drive way, I saw his mother , Valerie, in the back yard tending to her garden. She was a nice woman, always has been.

Logan told me to just come right in and to his room , so I did. I hadn't been here in forever, I kind of missed hanging out with Logan. I used to have a huge crush on him in middle school. But, everyone else did too. He was a very attractive guy. He had dirty blonde styled hair, blue eyes that could kill, and he was tall and built nicely. Plus, his kindness blew everyone away.

"Hi, Mia." His bright smile lit up my whole mood as soon as I walked in.

"Hey, Logan." I waved. "It's nice to see you."

"Come on in and have a seat, you look nice,"

"Thank you." I blushed. He was dressed in cargo shorts and a thin, red polo shirt. "You do too."

"Thank you. I got dressed so that we could go somewhere."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To dinner." He stood, checking his watch. "We're late, actually." He laughed. "I have a reservation for 6 that I forgot about. It's 6:15."

"Maybe they'll let us in?" I smiled. He was always forgetful.

"Hopefully. I'll have to bribe them."

"That won't be hard, you've always been a charmer." I nudged him, as we walked down the spiral staircase.


We arrived at the restaurant and took our seats, it was a beautiful place. The lights were dimmed and it was quiet. Very relaxing place to be.

"Why have you been distant lately, the only time I see you is a at school, you don't speak to me."

"Well, I have just been a little weird about me moving to my dad's" I lied. Harry was the reason I hadn't talked to him. He didn't want me to. But Harry isn't here and he doesn't care.

"Oh, that's understandable. You don't really know him much. Is everything okay over there?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. He isn't like awful or anything. I'm not alone as much anymore and it's odd."

"Yeah, so I was wondering," he cleared his throat. "Would you feel weird if I told you I had feelings for you?"

My eyes widened as I saw Harry come through the door. This is not good. But, I kind of hoped he sees me.

I was at shock as well by Logan asking me. I never knew he liked me, and if I were my middle school self I would be convulsing by now.

"I wouldn't be weirded out, no." I shook my head. "Not the least bit."

"Well," he grabbed my hand , "I want to kind of try to be with you, you know?"

"Like, date?" I asked, shock was written all over my face.

"Yes, Mia. Be my girlfriend?"

"Logan," I smiled. "I will." His lips left a kiss on my hand.

"Hello." I heard a voice behind me. At first I thought it was the waiter, but to my surprise, it was Harry.

"Hi." Logan smiled. "I think I remember seeing you."


"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Out eating with my mother.  I thought I would stop by and say hello."

"Well hello?"

"Mia, I will be to see you tomorrow night."

"no, you won't." I said, confused.

"Yes, I will."

"No, you won't."

I glanced at Logan, he sat quietly, obviously confused.

"I said I would. I will."

"You haven't seen me in weeks. I don't want to see you. You're not seeing me."

"I'm seeing you." He gritted his teeth. "Tomorrow." He walked away, his breathing could be heard from far away. I turned back to Logan , he was quietly staring at his lap.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "He's a friend of my dad's. He wants to give me a tour of his office." I lied.

"Right." He nodded, "That's a little odd he wants to see you so bad."

"Yeah, the only time he can show me is in the late evening because he works all day."

"Well, just be careful."

"I will definitely try to."

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