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       "Welcome home, Michael!" everybody yelled in unison as they jumped up from their hiding places, their hands clapping and lips smiling.

Wendy was the first to run over to Michael and attack him in a hug, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her close. She whispered something in his ear that made his eyes go wide and his cheeks blush, which earned a soft giggle and a kiss on the cheek.

Luke rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his juice box. If only Michael knew where her lips were only a few hours ago.

Though it was quite inappropriate (considering Luke and Wendy's circumstances), Wendy had insisted that Luke go to the surprise party she was throwing Michael.

"Hey, Luke," a voice said unevenly, snapping Luke out of his bitter daze.

Michael's head was cocked to the side slightly as he looked at Luke, with Wendy, of course, right by his side, but looking extremely uncomfortable.

"If it isn't the man of the hour," Luke smiled sarcastically. "Welcome back."

"I hope you took good care of Wendy while I was away," Michael laughed uneasily as he squeezed her shoulder gently and looked down at her.

Wendy bit her lip gently and looked back up at the blonde-haired boy, giving him a small, reassuring smile. Luke couldn't help but let out a snort.

"Oh, trust me, I did," Luke smiled cockily before taking another sip of his juice box and looking down at Wendy, a pleased expression on his face.

Wasn't irony a bitch, He thought.

Before Michael could carry on the conversation any longer, Wendy tugged on his arm gently.

"I think we should go talk to your parents, yeah?" She smiled at him.

Luke saw right through her whole innocent act, shit, he could fucking hear the desperation in her voice that Michael was either too stupid to notice or too smart to question it.

"Uh, sure. See you later, Luke," He nodded politely before slinging his arm around Wendy and walking away.

"Don't count on it," Luke mumbled, inaudible to anyone else's ears except for his own.

Luke hadn't always hated Michael. At one point, in fact, they were inseparable. Luke had practically grown up at Michael's house while his shitty excuse for a Mom fucked around with strangers she met at random bars. The blonde boy's home life hadn't always been the best, but Michael's family made it tolerable. Sadly, as the two grew up and went into high school, everything changed.

Michael was the rich kid with a lot of potential to go far in life and Luke was just the lame, stoner kid who held him back. Everybody said it (or though it at least), and eventually, Michael realized it too.

It was sophomore year and Luke was riding home from school with Michael like he did everyday, except this time, something was different. Michael didn't laugh at Luke's lame jokes like he always did, or make fun of Mikayla Richards' same weird ass pigtails that she wore everyday. Luke noticed it, but he decided not to bring it up in the car with Mrs. Clifford in the front seat.

"What's your problem today?" Luke asked Michael as he lay upside down on the couch, watching the wheels in Michael's head turn.

Michael jerked his head towards Luke and looked at him for a moment before shaking his head and looking away.

"Just thinking."

Luke rolled his eyes but couldn't help but let his curiosity get the best of him.

"About what?"

A small, ghost-like smile appeared on Michael's lips. "Not about what, about who."

Luke closed his eyes and shook his head, the memory that led up to the end of their friendship beginning to make him feel woozy.

He eyed the back door inside the kitchen. He needed fresh air.

He tossed the half empty juice box into the trash can and began to make his way to the door. After making his way through the unsurprisingly large crowd of Michael's old high school buddies and relatives, he slipped out the back door. The summer air felt refreshing on Luke's skin, but still didn't make the pit in his stomach quit aching. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh before resting his hands on the porch railing.

This was 50 shades of fucked up.

Why had he agreed to attend a surprise party thrown for the one person he truly and utterly despises, which also happened to be thrown by the dickhole's girlfriend, who also happened to be his best friend, who also may or may have not have been the girl he fucked three hours before the party?

He should have just went to his aunt's for the summer like he planned to in the beginning.


Luke didn't need to turn around to know exactly who's voice it was. It was the same voice that laughed at him when he got pissed while he was playing FIFA and it was also the same voice that had moaned his named into his ear while they fucked.


His lips saying her name felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked quietly.

Luke shrugged, still not bothering to turn around to face her.

"I shouldn't have made you come. I'm sorry," she sighed, coming up and standing beside him, looking up at the pastel colored sky.

"Why would you apologize for making me cum?" he asked lowly, looking down at her.

She shoved his elbow roughly, a small blush coming over her cheeks.

"Shut the fuck up, Luke," She laughed quietly, making the blonde-headed boy smile to himself.

They sat there in silence for a minute, both of them wanting to say the same thing.

"You know we can't do this anymore, right?" Wendy finally spoke up.

"Yeah, I know," Luke mumbled.

Wendy nodded gently. "Good," she coughed. "I should go back in."

Luke didn't have the courage to speak to her, so he responded with a simple nod.

"And Luke?"

He turned around to face Wendy, who now had her hand on the door knob with the door cracked slightly.

His heart was beating a mile a minute by now. "Yeah?"

She gave him her famous Wendy smile.

"You know you're always gonna be my best friend, right?"

Luke sighed. "Yeah, I know."



- marina :^)

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