Truth revealed

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Ok! I was motivated to finish this chapter so it turned out to be quite long. For the information of the readers, there are some scenes in the story that I based on the anime and of course I incorporated my own ideas on those parts. For the last chapter after the epilogue, I guess I will put every notes I did for this story regarding the five servants, etc. Anyway the story is still halfway through...Enjoy reading! WARNING: for slight swearing

Atem and his friends were riding their horses back to the palace silently. After what happened to Tea at Kul Elna, Yugi and the others decided not to bring the topic unless Atem does. Everyone had no idea what and how that happened, and felt guilty that one of their friends got taken away without them noticing. Tea's horse was tied to Atem's horse and everyone followed him behind. Upon arriving, Shimon and the other councils welcomed them.

"Welcome back our pharaoh, it seems you and your friends were tired of the journey. So after you eat and take your baths, all of you can rest" Shimon said with a smile as he bowed towards Atem.

"Thank you Shimon, but...I have no appetite so I will go to my room and rest immediately" Atem said in a sad tone as he averted his gaze towards the floor.

"Our pharaoh, is something wro-" Shimon who was asking with concern was interrupted by Isis who held a hand on Shimon's left shoulder.

The millennium necklace owner shook her head to Shimon as if telling him to stop already, she then pointed towards Tea's horse and Shimon as well as the other councils realized the current situation. Mahad came towards the pharaoh and the latter who noticed his presence, looked up to him.

"Our pharaoh, as the king of Egypt, it is important to hide your emotions in front of the people. The fear, sadness and other negative emotions of the king affects everyone, so it is better to conceal them from the people's view. One simple mistake might cause your enemies to know your weakness and that weakness itself will lead to your defeat/death," Mahad said in a serious manner.

Atem smiled weakly, "I apologize for that Mahad. I'll remember it from now on."

Mahad smiled and sucked a breath, "but...if the king loosed someone important to him, it is better to share it with another so that he/she will accompany you with what you're going through. What I'm saying is...your friends as well as your councils are here for you, if you permit it...will you tell us what happened at Kul Elna?"

Atem looked at Mahad this time and found the millennium ring owner staring back at him with a look of concern hidden behind his small smile. The young pharaoh then looked around him and saw everyone had those expressions as well, he smiled.

"Very well...I guess me and my friends will eat first and take our baths. After that, we shall gather at the throne room" Atem said and everyone nodded.

After Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Duke and Atem ate and took their baths, they all went to the throne room with the councils already there waiting. Atem and his friends then shared what happened at Kul Elna and said what Bakura promised to them in return for Tea. Although they knew Bakura isn't someone to trust with, Atem decided to follow Bakura's words just to make sure Tea won't get hurt.

"Our pharaoh, with all due respect, I know you are just doing this for the queen's safety but what about your safety? We can't let the king get hurt or get taken away by the enemy. Your father, the late king Aknamkanon did everything just so you will not be hurt. Me and the councils swore to protect the king, for whatever may happen to you will be our fault" Shimon reminded him.

Atem looked at his advisor and councils, "I know that. But I can't let Tea get hurt just because I wasn't able to protect her, she is my wife and the queen of Egypt. She is also precious to this country just as I am, I will bring her back and I promise you all that I won't get hurt. In exchange, I want you all to promise me not to interfere in this deal between me and Bakura."

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