Arrival in Ancient Egypt

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It was still dawn when Tea woke up, Tea stretched up her hands while going down the stairs. As she was going to the kitchen, she smelled something delicious. Hmmm…it looks like tasty, but…who is cooking? she thought. She peeped slowly to the kitchen to see who was cooking, then she smiled to see that it was Atem. Tea slowly walked to her friend to surprise him, unfortunately Atem saw it and grabbed Tea's wrist quickly.

With a surprised look, Tea ask "Atem, what are you doing early in the morning? I should be the one cooking the breakfast…and can you please let go of my hand."

She begged as their faces were now only an inch away from each other, Atem immediately let go of Tea's hand and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to and it's ok. I really want to cook our breakfast today for this day is special to me."

"Special?" Tea ask curiously as she started helping Atem with the food.

"Uh-huh! you'll gonna know it during breakfast." Atem said with a big smile, and Tea also smiled as the two of them starts preparing food in the table.

When the clock reads 7:30, all of them are already in the table. Atem only looked at his friends with a smiling face that made Yugi asked, "Atem, are you ok? did something happened?" and Atem only shake his head.

Tea looked at her friends and spoke up "Let's eat first, shall we?"

As they were finishing their food, Tea spoke up "Hey guys, didn't you know who cooked our breakfast today?" and Joey replied to her "Of course you!."

Tea only smiled and shake her head that made everyone of her friends except Atem asked in unison, "Then who?"

Tea only looked at Atem "Who do you think?"

"No way! Atem!? Wow…you're a great cooker!" Joey said as everyone looked at Atem with amazed faces.

"So Atem, what would you like to tell us by the way?" Tea ask remembering what had Atem said to her, "Did you miss Egypt?"

everybody except Atem looked at each other then replied "Uh-huh! why?"

Atem smiled and said "Well, I was planning to take a short vacation to Ancient Egypt…would you all like to come?"

Everyone only smiled with joy and didn't answer Atem for they couldn't describe how happy they felt on the journey they are about to go, "I guess, it's a yes then." Tea answered.

On their way to the museum, the gang couldn't stop but talk and imagine what they will do when they arrived in Ancient Egypt. It was only a matter of time when Mai's car stopped, and everyone looked at the museum with smiling faces.

"Were now here." Tristan said.

As the gang entered the museum, a voice greeted them "Welcome", everyone looked at the shadow that was revealed to be none other than Lady Ishizu.

"It's been a long time…isn't it Lady Ishizu?" Yugi said, "Good thing you didn't close the museum Lady Ishizu" Joey added but was just shoot back by Mai's cold stare. Lady Ishizu smiled a bit to what Mai's reaction on Joey's words, they have a good future, she thought.

"Yes, it's been a long time indeed, now our pharaoh. The stone tablet is ready for you to open it, did you bring the key? " Atem nodded and showed the three god cards. "Very well, follow me then."

Everyone was walking and then stopped in front of the old stone tablet, "Are you and your friends ready to go back again in time and face the challenges that awaits to you and your friends, our pharaoh?" Atem nodded while Duke asked "Challenges? you mean there are enemies in there waiting for us?"

Lady Ishizu nodded and said "I will stop the time here so that whatever you may do there will not change the future. But please take care of yourselves for you will encounter enemies and people whom you haven't met before, they can either be good or bad."

Everyone nodded and Serenity said with a sad face "Sorry guys…but Mai and I are gonna stay here, we'll gonna help Lady Ishizu on observing you."

"Fine, but be careful ok?" Joey said as he hugged his sister.

"Be careful? You should be the one who should be careful brother" Serenity said as she tries to take her brothers hand off her, and Mai added "Please be careful there and come back safe here."

"Well of course I'm gonna be…thanks Mai" Joey said as he laughed with a small blush on his cheeks, "Idiot! I didn't mean you..i meant all of you!" Mai said as she punch Joey on the head.

Everyone laughed as they watch the two fight, "Now our pharaoh, please show the stone tablet the key."

With that Atem showed the three god cards to the stone and a ray of light came out from the tablet. Atem and his friends are now travelling back in Ancient Egypt.

While back in the museum, Lady Ishizu looked at the stone tablet with a concerned expression and said "Please be careful our pharaoh, may your guardian protect you as well as your friends from danger."

While back to the portal, Yugi and his friends landed to a place full of sand with the sun scorching hot at them. They all lay unconscious for a minute until two persons try to wake them up with sharp spears, "Wake up! Hey wake up!" the other person shouted as he pointed his weapon to Yugi.

"Engh…whe-where are we? Are we now in Egypt?" Yugi said softly as he stood up.

A minute had passed when the others also started to wake up, "Hey, do you think they are enemies of the pharaoh?" the second person whispered to the other.

"Why do you think?"

"Well look at their clothes, it's not like from here"

"You're right! Enemies! Help! We spotted enemies!."

Yugi and the gang looked at each other with puzzled faces and Tea notice something "Enemies? where? And more importantly where is Atem?," they all look around to see find out that Atem is indeed missing.

It was after 5 minutes when other persons started arriving with weapons like the two, "I think these are Atem's guards don't you think?" Tristan asked as he pointed out the dress of the persons with sharp spears.

"Ahhh! Yugi help!" their attention was caught when they heared Tea's voice scream, they all look at the direction where Tea was just standing a while ago and their faces turned pale as they saw one of the guards point a spear to Tea's neck.

"Tea!" they all shouted with worried expression, "Let's kill them and present their body to the pharaoh!" one of the guards shouted at the back.

"Yeah!" everyone agreed and was about to strike Yugi and the gang when a voice shouted nearby "Stop!" everyone stopped and looked at the direction where the voice came.

Then the guards immediately let go of Tea, throw their weapons and bowed down, Yugi and the gang also look at the direction where the voice came. They all smiled when they saw a guy dressed in a pharaoh's cloth and a hair like Yugi stand near them, it was Atem.

He smiled back at them too and said "Do not harm them, they are my friends."

the guards all looked at each other with shock and fear and bowed down many times while saying "We're sorry our pharaoh! We will not do it again, please forgive us."

Atem nodded and said "It's ok, now come my friends. Let me take you inside and have a rest there", they all nodded and Joey came beside Atem whispering "Nice timing Atem, I mean pharaoh…by the way, are we now in Ancient Egypt?."

Atem chuckled and replied "Yes."

to be continued...

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