Chapter 1

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I had been sleeping for thirty minutes, but when I glanced at my watch, it'd only been ten.

I groaned internally. History had never been my favourite subject, but today's class was exceptionally boring. So many heads had gone down before mine had. Mr Tully had a droning voice and an equally boring personality. He didn't care what you were doing in class as long as you did not make noise.

It was only the second week of senior year and I was already bored out of my wits in this class. The only saving grace was that James was in this class.

James was one of my best friends. He and I had become friends in kindergarten, and we never stopped being friends. Even in middle school, we were always together. We understood each other so well, I'm convinced he is my soulmate.

Sitting up straight, I nudged James's back. He sat in front of me. He didn't move, so I nudged him again. A few seconds later, he reacted. He turned to face me and gave me a death stare.

"What?" he asked, clearly still angry with me.

I got why he was mad at me. I would be mad at him had he done to me what I'd done to him. Last night, after I'd watched the season finale of our favourite show, I'd called him and without stopping to ask if he'd completed it, I told him which character died. And then he'd proceeded to yell profanities at me.

"Sorry about last night," I whispered. "I didn't know."

"You are the evil spawn of Satan." He whispered angrily. "You gave me huge spoilers and this isn't the first time you've done it. You did it with The Walking Dead too."

"Sorry," I muttered and shrugged. "I just sometimes cannot control what I say."

"Sorry won't cut it this time." He said and turned back to face Mr Tully.

I sighed and then racked my brains to find a way to make up with James.

I had the answer almost immediately.


James loved food. It was his second love, after Broadway.

"Hey, James," I tapped his back.

He didn't turn around.

"I'll feed you."

That got his attention.

"Two dinners are on you," he said.


"And I get to order dessert too."

"Don't get greedy." I said.

"And I get to order dessert too." He repeated.

"One dessert." I countered.




"Dammit." James whisper cursed. "Fine, one dessert. But from the expensive section."

"Whatever you want." I smiled.

He smiled back and I knew we were fine again.

It took both of us a moment to realise that Mr Tully had stopped talking, and everyone in the class was looking at us. James uncomfortably turned around in his seat.

"Mr Miller, and Ms Watson, please come see me after class." Mr Tully said in a loud voice.

We nodded in unison. I hoped that we weren't in trouble because if he marked us down for this, then I'd have a second strike in my report. And three strikes meant I'd get a grade less in behaviour, and that meant I could kiss my chances of scholarship goodbye. Our school was huge on proper conduct, and didn't hesitate in marking us down in our final grade for improper behaviour.

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