Chapter 6

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The calm always comes before the storm. Before a tsunami, the water recedes. Was this the calm I'd get before the big storm in my life?

Because if it is, then it's a very loud and ear-splitting calm. A lot of people had jumped out of their seats. There were very audible gasps. No one was laughing anymore. All eyes were on us. And I didn't like it very much. The chatter going on did not have a rhythm, it was chaotic.

I was looking right at Wes, hoping to God that he'd say something. While he had been confused before, he was completely flabbergasted now. I didn't blame him, I blamed James.

Wes's eyebrows were raised and his gaze fell behind me, probably on my stupid best friend.

Then he nodded slightly, and smiled.

"Ayre," He breathed and closed the gap between us. Everyone fell silent again. "I'm so glad you agreed." It was loud enough that everyone heard it. "I like you a lot."

Then he kissed me.

It wasn't a passionate, hungry kiss. It was a slight brush of his lips against mine. His lips were on mine for a second, and then gone.

And it sent me screaming internally. I'd never been kissed before. I hadn't even come close to being kissed. Maybe it was my sarcasm, or just me, but no guy was ever interested in me romantically. Not that I would have known what that felt like.

"Let's get out of here," He said and took my hand before guiding us both outside. There was buzzing in my ears, aftereffects of the kiss.

Wes didn't let go of my hand till he found an empty classroom. He locked the door and turned to face me.

"What the fuck, Ayre?" he asked. "What was that?"

The buzzing stopped as fast as it had started.

"I'm sorry it wasn't subtle but didn't you want everyone to know we were together?" I crossed my hand over my chest. I was going to stand the ground James had built for me, no matter how much I disagreed with him.

"I did, but a heads-up would have been nice," He exhaled. "I mean I was totally caught off guard."

There was a knock on the door.

"Go away," Wes yelled at the door.

There was a louder bang.

"Open it, Wes!" Liana said from outside.

He sighed and unlocked the door. There Liana and James stood side by side. And they both were smiling.

"That was amazing," Liana gushed as she stepped into the room. "A little surprising, but amazing."

"It was James's idea," I pointed at him. And he had the nerve to take a bow.

"Now," James clapped his hand. "Now that that is out of the way, let's talk contract."

"Contract?" Wes and Liana said at the same time.

"Yes, contract," I said. "There has to be a written proof of our agreement. You know, just in case you flake out on paying me later."

"What?" Wes asked. "Are you guys alright? Written agreement?"

"Yes, it's smart and will protect us from getting duped later." James said. "You guys just need to fill out a few details and sign that the end."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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