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      "Bojour! Welcome to French 101. I am your instuctor, Mademoiselle Benoite. I also go by Mrs. Bonoite. Do we have any French students in here?" The classroom went silent, an electric whisper sprinkled around the room. Midori nudged me, keeping her eyebrows - which were so sharp she could kill a man - poised high on her forehead. I raised my hand, slouching down further into my cold, plastic chair (as if that could improve the chances of me not being noticed). Mrs. Bonoite's head whipped around so fast that the silky black curls placed atop her head dropped. She rasied her hand, gesturing for me to stand up. I sighed before awkwardly scooting my chair back about a foot or so so I could stand up. 

        "Je suis francais," I chided with a blank face before saying it in English to clarify," I am French." Mrs. Bonoite's rosy smile became so wide it resembled the Joker's playful grin, which to be honest scared the crap out of me.

        "Which province?"


   The majority of the class writhed in their seats, another excited whisper dancing throughout the room. The ones that weren't whispering were eyeing me suspiciously, probably trying to figure out how some strange French girl wandered her way into a performing arts academy in Austin, Texas. Quite frankly, I was wondering the same thing.  After about 4 seconds of looking at creepiness that graced Mrs. Benoite's face, I cleared my throat and added,"but that was before I moved to Paris." A girl in the corner shrieked and whipped out a small indigo notebook, scribbling something down furiously before slamming it shut and cramming it back into her book bag.

   "I've always wanted to hear a French person say 'Paris' like that.  I can't wait to use it in my newest fanfictio-" the purple-haired girl was interrupted by a short, uncomfortable croup coming from the back of my throat. I nudged my chair back to where it was and sat down as the eyes of the whole class were still plastered on me. Mrs. Bonoite gave me a quick nod of approval before turning to go back to the front of the classroom. Midori giggled in the distance, only making the crimson on my face more apparent. Mrs. Bonoite pulled out a yardstick and pointed to the classroom rules written in her elegant script on the board. I took a moment to take a deep breath and looked around, surveying my fellow classmates for the first time. While Mrs. Bonoite was droning on about "self-immersion" and participation credits, I was scoping out the boy gingerly placed the rows ahead of me. Nice build, I noted, surveying the dip in his side. His shirt was so thin you could see his hip bone, so I also noted that maybe I should take him to Goodwill or Plato's closet when I got the chance. 

  Midori was to my left and a short, copper skinned girl with the face of a pixie sat to my right. Fair fashion taste, a cute and chubby little build. I wonder what she majors in, I thought happily to myself, she looks quite nice. Another thing that stuck out was her platinum blonde pixie cut, an already sparse hairstyle here but it popped even more with the clashing tones. This is when I first realized how artsy and unique this was, with the cool hairstyles and trendy clothing and whatnot. 

Sorry this is super short x.x 

I have been very busy lately and will try to add on later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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