Why can't you...

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G-Dragon's POV.  

“Hm? Yea. It's the first door around the corner...” I said, coming back to reality again. Why, in the name of Jesus, can't I stay focused with her? I backed out when she ran to the bathroom. “Hey, Mi Cha, don't you remember me?” I whispered, looking after her.

Of course she didn't remember me. I groaned, hitting the couch under me. Without thinking, I started humming that song I knew from her. You wouldn't remember me... Why can't you see it in my eyes? Why can't you remember it when you look into my eyes?  

It was such a lovely evening. Me and Mi Cha were playing in the park. She couldn't be more than six. She had that sweet giggle of her, that sweet smile and those brown eyes that made everyone fall for her. Even I fall for her. I couldn't help it. It wasn't right, I knew that. She was Hyung's girl, no one could touch her. I just had to watch her, always in the shadows. Sometimes, I hated him for that. I wanted to claim her as my girl, not to stay there and tell to everyone “Mi Cha is Hyung's girl, don't you dare to touch her.”Hey, Mi Cha!” I heard a voice, a voice I knew. I wanted to turn around, but I was afraid that he could figure out what I just thought.. It was him. I couldn't do anything in his face. I was powerless. I turned around just to make a few steps to see her cute face again and than I ran off. I wasn't supposed to do that. Hyung will kill me. But I don't care. I really don't care. “Lee Mi Cha, do you like me?” “Yes, Choi Seung Hyun .” “Yes, yes, yes.”. All I could hear at that moment was her voice saying those words. Him. Him. Him. She loved Him. She loved my best friend. She...loved...  

“GD, are you OK?” she asked, touching my hand. I could bet that I had a face that would scare even my own mother. I managed to show her a smile, a fake smile, and tell her that everything was OK. She giggled, making me fall for her again, hating my best friend even more.“What was that song you were humming earlier?”

“Don't know. I heard it recently, I think.” “Oh.” You sang it to me.

You did, when I was supposed to get you to you father.. You cried, because Hyung said you aren't as beautiful as ever, that you don't look good enough for him. But you were even more beautiful with that simple dress you worn. You simply hummed it in the buss while I was hugging you. “My mother sings this to me when I'm sad”, you said. I remember everything about that day. I even remember how you moved the next week to Ansan with your father, because your mother died, without knowing that I was the Hyung now. I smiled. In my pocket, the phone was ringing in a most annoying way. I pulled it out, and answer. Daesung was trying to tell me something about new girls working in the bar. I just murmured something about being busy and turned it off.

“But, Hyung...” he said when I hang up. I smiled. I liked when somebody told me “Hyung”.

It was more than everything. Except her. When I turned around she was sleeping. I smiled. Making a few steps foreword, I picked her up and make our way to the bedroom. I laid her on the bet and kissed her forehead. She smiled cutely.

“Good night, Hyun .” she said. I sighed and covered her with the blanket. I stepped out the room and closed the door after me. The door bell rang again. I went that way. I knew it was him.

“Fuck off, TOP.” I said, opening the door.

“Fuck you, GD.” was the reply of the tall guy.

I couldn't help it. I leaned foreword and laugh with all my heart. TOP looked at me like I was crazy. I am crazy, no?

“You... Did you...You really died your hair blue?” He looked really odd with that hair. He was weird anyway, but this one got them all. Blue?! I saw him in every way, but... Blue?! What's next, pink eye bows?

“Yeah. You had your hair pink, shut up.”

“Mine was red, moron.” I said and both of us started laugh like none of those nice hello-s we gave each other happened. After all, we are best friends.

“She's here, no?” he said when we finished laughing.

“Does Seungri or Taeyang know what a secret is?” TOP just smiled and enter without a word.

He went straight to the bedroom. He opened the door just so he could see her sleeping. I knew what he was thinking. He was making himself a stupid that he let me take her home that night. He was thinking of how he could win her back.

“She's still beautiful.”

“And mine.” He turned and looked at me with a death glare.

But I wasn't afraid at all. He knew that. We both sighed and look at each other. This was a big mess, what did got us into this? We sat in that silence without thinking. In a way, we both wanted her more than life itself.

“Listen, I...”

“Yeah, me too.” Love her.

That was the answer. A giggle. We both raised our heads looking at the door. She was standing there.

“Seung Hyun, you died your hair blue.” He smiled.

She smiled that smile back. I felt broken. How could you remember him and not me? Why can't you remember me? Why can't you read all our memories in my eyes and say my real name? I'm Kwon Ji Yong. I'm Kwon Ji Yong, I fall for you when you were six. I'm Kwon Ji Yong and I can't breathe without a memory of you. I smiled too, looking at the way they were hugging with such love. TOP wasn't going to let her go. I won't let her go to him.

“Yea. I did.” he said, letting her go.

With the same smile on her face, she sat on the couch, between us. Why do I feel so bad to see her next to him? Wouldn't it be more easier for me to forget? We don't have anything together except that bus ride. Just twenty minutes. They had days, months, years. I'm... nothing in compare to him? No... I'm his Hyung.

“Thanks for showing. Now...” I wanted o say 'fuck off', but I'd really annoy her. “leave, TOP.”

“TOP?” another of those sweet giggles only he could bring up. “Hyung, that's a really odd name.”

“Mi Cha, GD is the Hyung now.” She turned back and looked at me with big eyes.

I just smiled that fake smile, hoping she won't notice. She leaned foreword and hugged me tightly. I froze. TOP was jealous.

“That's so cool, GD.” she said.

Why can't you call me Ji Yong, Mi Cha? The last time you did that it was twelve years ago. And it was the most beautiful memory of them all. I smiled when she backed off. Instantly, she was hugged by TOP. We were killing each other with our looks. She didn't notice, she was sitting there, smiling, with her eyes closed, sleepy. She was just like a little child. What wouldn't I give to be the one she's sleeping on?

“Baby...” She opened her eyes, and looked at TOP. Gosh, I wanted to kill him.“I have to go...”

“To the other baby.” I heard myself saying, spoiling everything for those two.

Mi Cha turned around and looked at him with some sort of a broken figure. He sighed and nodded. She slapped him powerfully, than turned around, and ran into the bedroom. He looked at me with a death glare.

“Thank you very much, Ji Yong.” he hissed at me, rushing out after that.

He didn't call me like that in years. And this would be kind of our first fight except that one. I jumped on my feet and headed to the bedroom. I could hear her sobs from outside. She really cared for him. I knock easily. She opens the door and hugs me with all her strength.

“GD, I hate him.”

“Shh...”I said, hugging her back.

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