Extra 2 : Its a date......?

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I guess it's time I started writing again? *sigh* I've got like, no motivation to do this bcos.... let's face it, I write as a form of procrastination from the institution of knowledge, or otherwise known as school. Because I'm really free in this holiday, no inspiration pops up so instead of the regular chapter, I wanted to give Kiera a little early surprise present. 😆😆🎉🎉✨✨👍

P.s. This actually happened somewhere around the three years of time skip so.... yeah, just saying.


"Kiera, would you mind accompanying me for a stroll around the close by town tonight? They're having an event which I never miss every year with my family. But since they're not coming this year due to the business for the upcoming Hunt, I wanted someone close to me to accompany me there. I hope it's not too big of a bother..."

No, if this is a bother, then I hope you'll bother me even more- was what I was thinking at that time and not to mention that my face must've been really really red and showing a really bashful expression because not long after that, he seemed a bit stunned himself and corrected his words before I could reply.

"Of course, as close friends. I wouldn't want any rumors spreading that would affect your marriage proposals..... though that doesn't seem to ever get affected."

I don't remember saying anything to him because my mind was a great big bobbly mess of happiness and then disappointment which alternated really quickly that all I could manage to think of was 'Noel asked me on a date???'.

Think of it, just us two in a town where an event would be going on, kinda like those festivals where the Bishie gets plus points in the player's hearts for every sweet thing he does~ *sighs*

But..... but...... he said "as a close friend," isn't this being friend zoned??????? Then, even going to a festival where romantic scenes could happen would be a waste. Come on, Kiera. Don't give up!!!

This is the biggest and probably going to be one of the only chance to change Noel's mind from making me a precious friend, into a precious person in his heart. Plus, everyone else is busy with the hunt so they can't ruin this event for me. I'm grateful for dad being so overdoting that he'd give me a free training schedule which just happens to be the exact thing I need right now.

Well, another thing I need help with is..... what am I going to wear??

"Kiera~~", a knock on my door and the voice of the person I so wanted to meet right now.

"Sister!!! Come in, please." I said as Sapphire came inside the room and looked at my messy room filled to the brim with dresses that flop over messily as she walked closer.

Umm... umm.... why is she looking at me with that dangerous glint in her eyes? Why is she slowly creeping over to me like that? Uh... uhhh... sister?

"Kiera!!!!!!!!" She jumped over to me and pulled me to sit on the bed, then used that look mum always gives me when she's trying to tell me something important, or a life lesson.

"Um.. yes...?" I'm kinda scared to know what she's going to say.

"Are you going on a date?"


"Come on, don't be shy and tell me who the guy you're going with is.."




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