Chapter Sixteen

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*Ashton's POV*

It's been a couple of months since Luke and I have stopped talking. Over the past couple of months, I've found myself being distant with all of my friends and sitting alone at lunch. To be completely honest, I enjoy having time to myself, but I miss those late night talks with Luke. 

Naomi has also gotten better. It turns out it wasn't the worst kind of Leukemia . Naomi has a slow growing Leukemia, so all that we have to do is monitor it, and if gets any worse, go to the doctor immediately. 

On the bright side of things, Naomi's third birthday is coming up and I can happily celebrate it with her. She's been nonstop asking to do a lot of things for her birthday, like going to Disneyland which is highly unlikely due to how expensive it is and that we live nowhere near there. I was probably just going to take her to the park and then her favorite ice cream shop.

"Daddy, what are we doing for my burfday?" Naomi asked me.

"I don't baby, we still have a week," I tell her. 

Naomi just stare up at me with her puppy dog eyes and her bottom lip pouted out. I know that she was going to say Disneyland because that's all that has been on her mind lately. I just open up my arms and she crawls right into them, never wanting to let her go. 


It's now Monday, which means school. School has been hell for me, but luckily I'll be graduating soon and then I can move on with my life and never have to look back on high school. 

I was sitting on a ledge near the schools entrance listening to some Waterparks when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I look up and notice that Calum and Michael were standing right there. I all of the sudden felt nervous, it's been a while since I've talked to them.

"W-what do you guys want?" I ask them.

"We just wanted to make sure that you're doing alright, we just haven't talked in a while, that's all," Calum says.

"I'm doing fine," I say, giving them a little smile.

"That's good," Michael says.

"What else do you guys want?" I ask, knowing that they didn't come over here, just to see how I was doing.

"What makes you say that?" Calum asks. I give him a look and he eventually gives in and says, "well, we've missed having you in our group and Luke has been wanting to talk to you, but doesn't have the balls to do it."

I just look at him and say, "I miss you guys too, but I don't want to talk to Luke, not after everything that he's done to me. "

They both just look at me and then look at each other and simply say before walking away, "just know that our offer stands, you can come sit with us at lunch if you'd like."


I'm now standing in the cafeteria, lunch in my hands and staring at their table. 

I can do this, I tell myself. I still stare at the table, which has two open seats, and still contemplate if I should do it or not. Once I see Luke sit down, I immediately turn away and go to my normal spot.

God, why do I have to be such a pussy, I think to myself. 

As I'm sitting by myself, I see Calum start to look for me. He's scanning the cafeteria until he finally sees me. He starts waving his hand to show that he wants me to come sit with them, but instead, I just look down at my food as if it's the most interesting thing ever and pretend that I didn't see him. 

I try to look up discreetly and see that Calum has started to approach me. I look back down at my food and hoping that he isn't trying to get me to sit with them.

"Ashton, I know that you saw me try to tell you to come and sit with us. I'm not stupid," Calum says as he sits across from me. 

"Because I don't want to," I mumble, sounding like a whiny kid.

"That's a dumb answer. Is it because of Luke?" he asks.

I don't even look up at him, but I just slowly nod my head. 

"Ashton, you have to get over it. You can't just hide and pretend that nothing happened. It hurt all of us when all of the sudden you just left. I know what Luke did was a shitty thing, but you have to talk to him about it at some point. You're not the only one hurting here."

"I know that I'm not the only one who's hurt, but it hurt like hell when I found out that Luke had cheated on me. I know that he fucked up, but I still feel hurt everyday because of it. It makes someone feel that they're not good enough, not worth it, or was just being used. I know that it was shitty of me to leave all of you guys, but I can't just go back like nothing had happened. I'm sorry that I made you guys sad, but I just like having time to myself," I tell him.

"It's been months Ashton! The least you can do to us is apologize for ditching us and owing us that explanation. You also owe Luke a little talk because that's all he wants is to talk things out, but you won't even give him that."

I just glance up at Calum and walk away from him, like the little coward that I am.



Holy shit is has been too long. I'm so very sorry that it's been probably like two or so years since I've updated this and holy shit.

I know that this chapter is short and I'm sorry, but I kind of forgot everything that had happened in this book and I didn't know what all to write.

I was looking back on this story trying to remember stuff that happened and I couldn't stop cringing because it was so bad. Well now that I'm 16 and have had more schooling, hopefully my writing has improved from my 13/14 year old self. 

I've been thinking of writing a new story, probably Lashton, and tell me some ideas you might have!

Just an fyi, I'll probably delete my other stories besides some secrets and this one because I don't feel motivated with my others ones that also haven't been updated in forever. 

Also, I've been wanting to connect with come of my readers and if you would like to chat, you can dm me! Also if you want to follow any of my social medias like instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, just go ahead and hmu and we can go ahead and start talking!

Much love to you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully I'll be updating soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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