Chapter 3

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"Leave now or it might happen again!" Snapped Silverstar. Yowls of agreement rose from the Streamclan cats. Mistystar dipped his head.

"We are no threat to you now. Who killed him?" He asked. The cats cleared a path for Moonkit, but she was not afraid when she stepped foward.

"I did," Moonkit murmured. Mistystar's eyes glowed with fear, but also with a hint of amusement.

"Okay, who really killed him?" Mistystar asked once again. Nightshade stepped forward.

"She speaks the truth. I watched it happen." Nightshade's eyes shone with horror as he remembered what happened. Mistystar looked taken aback.

"Again, we are no threat to you now, but I will have revenge.. I swear it by Starclan, young kit. I will!" Mistystar yowled as he lead his warriors back to camp, carrying the deputy they had lost. The injured warriors went to Silverleaf's den to heal. Fawnpelt padded up to Moonkit.

"Well done Moonkit, you stopped the battle." Fawnpelt mewed as her eyes lit up with pride. Moonkit loved praise but never before has she been praised by Fawnpelt, her favorite warrior.

"T-Thanks!" Moonkit purred.

"It's sunhigh now, time to continue the naming ceremony." Fawnpelt murmured as all the cats gathered beneath Great Branch.

"Cats of Streamclan, I shall now continue the naming ceremony. But first, let us all share tongues with Moonpetal for one last time, before she travels to Starclan." Silverstar jumped down from Great Branch to share tongues with Moonpetal. Moonkit was already there, sharing tongues with her mother. Dappleheart and Stonetail carried Moonpetal to the Golden Oak, where they buried all cats on their way to Starclan.

"And now, Dovepaw, your mentor will be Leopardpelt. Leopardpelt, Oaktail, though he is no longer with us, taught you well. I expect you to pass this on, to Dovepaw." Dovepaw's eyes sparkled with pride and confusion. Wasn't Silverstar going to make Fawnpelt her mentor?

"And now, Moonkit, you have reached six moons, and are ready to be apprenticed. From this day foward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known, as Moonpaw. And for your mentor" Silverstar looked at Fawnpelt "Fawnpelt, I know this will be your first apprentice, and Stonetail taught you well with wisdom. I hope you pass this down, to young Moonpaw." Moonpaw touched noses with Fawnpelt, and Dovepaw touched noses with Lepordpelt. The whole clan started to cheer their new names. "Moonpaw! Dovepaw! Moonpaw! Dovepaw!" Moonpaw and Dovepaw went to their new den and their new nests.

"I thought Fawnpelt was going to be my mentor.. Lepordpelt is cool and all but.." Dovepaw trailed off.

"I know, I know, I wonder what changed her mind.. And I'm sorry if your disappointed." Moonpaw mewed. She was about to speak again when she realized Dovepaw was asleep. So Moonpaw curled up in her nest and drifted into slumber.

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