My Shot

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A few weeks had passed since Daveed followed Odessa on Twitter, and the girl had decided to not follow him back or even make any sort of note towards the fact that she knew. No, she just ignored it completely much like she did him during any practice.

Odessa sighed heavily as she rolled out of bed and went into her bathroom, taking a quick shower and getting dressed in the most comfortable clothing she could find which happened to be an Oakland shirt from when she was close was Daveed and a pair of joggers. She put a hat over her messy hair, hiding the fact that she simply didn't want to brush her hair.

She grabbed her bag and everything she would need for rehearsal for the day. With her keys in her hand, she walked out and locked her door behind her. She walked down to her car and got in, driving toward the theatre. She parked a few placed down from the front of the theatre and got out of her car, smiling as she saw Oak walking from the other side. She threw her hand up and waved at him, which he instantly returned.

"Hey, Dessa!" He said happily and Dessa smiled at him again as they started to walk in the theatre together.

"Hey Oak, how're you doing today?" She asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

"I'm doing pretty okay, how about yourself?"

"I'm good!" She said, and Oak glanced down at her Oakland shirt, and chuckled quietly.

"Are you also from Oakland?"

"Yeah." She mumbled quietly.

"So I bet you knew Daveed before then, right?"


"Why don't you guys talk at practice then?"

"We're not exactly on talking terms." She chuckled quietly.

"Why? What happened?' He asked, glancing down at the short girl with slight puppy dog eyes. Odessa shook her head slightly, smiling up at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting pat.

"Nothing to worry about, Oak. It's the past." She said, a slight sadness lacing through her voice but she tried her best to mask it. "We better actually go in the theatre now."

Oak sighed quietly but nodded as he followed the girl in, watching her bounce slightly as she walked. She couldn't help it. It was something she did when she really excited, and she was always excited when got to go to practice and today, they would be meeting their choreographer and having a little dance session before they would start meeting at a dance studio to learn the choreography. So needless to say, Odessa was bouncing around every where as she sat down beside of Pippa.

"Choreography gitters?" She asked, laughing as the girl started to dance in her seat before nodding viciously.

"I'm so excited to start Choreo. I love it so much." Odessa said, squealing quietly to herself and Pippa. But, a row back and a few seats away, Daveed was able to hear the squeal. His head instantly shot up from his phone and he glanced over at Odessa, a small smile tugging on his lips as he saw the large smile on her lips. He was well aware that Odessa loved to dance. She has since the two of them were children, so Daveed had been looking forward to the choreography portion of the rehearsals.

Daveed sighed as he looked back down at his phone, his fingers scrolling carefully through his Twitter feed as he waited for practice to start officially. He had been looking for another excuse to talk to Odessa again, but every time that he tried to she was so quick to shut it down and turn on her heel, not giving him the time of day.

He couldn't blame her though. They hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms, but he was trying to make up for that. But he wouldn't be able to do that if he couldn't get her to talk to him. She had always been stubborn though so this hard-headedness came as no surprise to the man.

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