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"Good morning!" Seohyun greeted as soon as Baekhyun entered the classroom. "Whoa, hey there, early bird."

"Can you stop calling me that?" She asked. Baekhyun went directly to his seat and slightly laughed. "No. You're always early. I used to be the early bird." He answered.

"But I'm not a attendance completer like you though." She replied and twisted to see Baekhyun sit with a pencil and a thin layer of papers. "You're right.."

Seohyun laughed before looked back on her phone. It was not a whole minute when she noticed someone went into the classroom. "Oh- Park Chanyeol! You're early today!" Seohyun greeted. Chanyeol gave out a laugh, "It's the same exact time I go to here everyday." And when he had the chance to look around, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Where is everyone?"

"Everyone?" The girl asked, "It's just me and Baekhyun here." She answered and pointed her thumb going to her back where the short male is.

"That's weird, even the other classes has three to five students in it."

"Maybe they have cancelled the classes yesterday?"

"Why would they even cancel the classes?"

"I don't know too."

Chanyeol shrugged before going to the seat in front of Baekhyun. He dumped his backpack on the chair and sat on the table to stare outside. "It's snowing.. really hard."

Baekhyun, on the other hand, upon feeling the vibration of Chanyeol's voice, quickly took off his earphones and looked up. "What?" He asked. The taller looked at him for a second before looking away. "Nothing." He replied, leaving the smaller to his disappointment.

Baekhyun also looked out and slowly stood up from his seat and went near the window. "What.. why is it snowing this hard..?" He asked before looking at Chanyeol. The taller just gave a shrug.

"Ah, guys." The three twisted their necks to face the door when someone spoke. "The classes has been cancelled. Did you receive a message yesterday?" The staff of the school asked.

"We didn't, uncle."

"Goodness, the school is really messed up. They didn't even checked if they messaged these poor kids." They heard the staff whispered. "Anyway, you guys should head home now before the streets gets blocked by snow. Be careful on your way home."

"Yes, thank you." The three replied. "Jongin, that little rascal." Chanyeol muttered, hissing at the thought that Jongin never told them that there are no classes. Seohyun faced the two, "So, I'm going home now. How about you two?"

"I'll go with Baekhyun." Chanyeol answered without hesitation. The girl's eyebrows raised, "Ohh.. 'kay." She said and nodded. Chanyeol used to go with Seohyun and Jessica along with Kris but things suddenly changed now.

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